The other day I went to Nancy's Notions (AKA: Sewing With Nancy) and ordered a sewing book. I am hoping to start sewing some items to sell on Etsy. When I order things online I always sign up to get on the e-mail list. This is always a good idea because companies will send you coupons for other things and you just never know what kind of offers you will receive.
That is just what happened to me after I ordered from Nancy's Notions. About two days later I received an e-mail to get a grab bag of goodies worth $35 for only $6.95. I usually don't like to get grab bags because I don't like being let down if I don't like what I get. However, I bought two, because I also had a code to get free shipping so I could get $70 of sewing stuff for $14! Needless to say I was NOT disappointed! I actually wish I had bought more...some of these items would be great gifts for some of my friends and family.
This is some of the stuff I got. Morgan already took one pair of the scissors and claimed them for her sewing basket. The buttons are super cute and don't really show up in the photo very well, but I will probably be using them on my new sewing items. The thread is embroidery thread and some of it is metallic.
Sorry to not post these last couple days but I feel horrible. I am having a lot of pain in my gut and every time I eat I feel like I can't stand up. I am not sure if it's an ulcer or what??
Please add me to your prayers, as I am suppose to be working this weekend and if I am still feeling like this I will be unable to.
So this past Thursday I was reading a blog that I have not read in quite some time, and she was participating in a "Whatcha Working On Wednesday". Which in turn lead me to another blog "My Country Home" by Leslie, On Wednesday she puts a Mr. Linky up for everyone to post what they have been working on.
She has some wonderful hand-stitched items that I really like a lot, so as I read past post and I came across one pertaining to B.O.M. which stands for "Block Of the Month", as in Quilt Blocks. This peaked my ears even more, because I would love to make a quilt. So I continued to read and saw the pictures of her blocks. I wanted to make some too, so I did! Here they are. I used fabric I had tea dyed years ago, that is why it looks stained. LOL! It is suppose to make it look vintage, my husband just thought it was!
If you would like to join in making these wonderful blocks go to gail pan designs and print the last two months off and get started. They took me about 2-3 hours each, which I considered very quick.
I have also started two other blocks found at Willowberry Designs. I started the Willow tree tonight and will finish it tomorrow then I will do the other one. Then I will be caught up and be waiting patiently for next months blocks!
I finally finished this project that I have had for over 10 years incomplete! I started it and then lost the pattern, so I couldn't finish it. So here it is...
Then also I finished this one that I started last year and put it up around July then just got it back out after Christmas. So technically I finished two projects. I still need to frame both of these, but I will need to wait for that because that will cost a little more money than I have right now.
Tomorrow I will post the new start of a great new project I started and maybe I can inspire some of you to join me?!
I hope you like my new look and there is a reason behind this "Denim" theme. More on that later, like probably a month or so. But, until then I thought I would update my look and get use to it.
Thanks, to Christy over at "At The Creek" for all of your work on this for me!!
Go here to get 25 free prints. Choose your favorite pictures and they’ll send you 25 free 4x6 prints.
Offer ends February 23, 2009.
Enter code 25FREEPRINTS in your shopping cart.
Go here to get a free trial issue to Eating Well.
The following is a study of The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict by Josh McDowell.
For more post on this subject click on the label below, or better yet buy the book.
Below is just a brief synopsis, in the book each number gets explained thoroughly.
Unique In Its Continuity
The Bible is the only book that was
1. Written over about a fifteen-hundred-year span.
2. Written by more than 40 authors from every walk of life,. including kings, military leaders, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, tax collectors, poets, musicians, statesmen, scholars, and shepherds.
3. Written in different places.
4. Written in different times.
5. Written during different moods.
6. Written on three continents.
7. Written in three languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, & Greek
8. Written in a wide variety of literary style.
9. The Bible addresses hundreds of controversial subjects.
10. In Spite of its diversity, the Bible presents a single unfolding story.
11. Finally, and most important, among all the described in the Bible, the lead character throughout is the one, true, living God made known through Jesus Christ.
Consider first the Old Testament: the Law provides the "foundation for Christ," and the prophecies display an "expectation" of Christ. In the New Testament, the "Gospels...record the historical manifestation of Christ, the Epistles give the interpretation of Him, and in Revelation is found the consummation of all things in Christ."(Geisler/Nix, GIB'86, 29) From cover to cover, the Bible is Christocentric.
Therefore, although the Bible contains many books by many authors, it shows in its continuity that it is also one book. As F.F. Bruce observes (I tend to agree) "any part of the human body can only be properly explained in reference to the whole body. And any part of the Bible can only be properly explained in reference to the whole Bible." (Bruce, BP, 89)
The uniqueness of the Bible as shown above does not prove that it is inspired. It does however, challenge any person sincerely seeking truth to consider seriously its unique quality in terms of its continuity.
This week (my ad runs from Thurs - Wed.) Starkist Tuna is on sale for .99
It is part of the case sale, but you do not have to buy a case. Well, I had B2G1 coupons making these very cheap when combined with the B5G$1 Catalina to use OYNO. Making these .50ea.
Not on sale but good finds:
Stridex $2.50 (in store special) - $1/1 MQ from inside previous box = $1.50 these are usually at least $4, so even the 2.50 price is good. They also had another box Teal in color for 2.00, but there is less in the box so I figured this to be a better deal.
Then I found Suave Hand lotion 3oz travel size for 1.09 - $1/1 MQ making these .09!!!
I have more q's so I will be getting more before my q's expire.
Also on clearance 75% off were these great pictures.
These were 3.00ea, you can't tell from the picture, but they are frosted glass. And these were only 1.50ea
I am not sure what I am going to do with these yet. Maybe they will end up as gifts or maybe on a wall just not sure which one????

This is a day late on posting, but I thought I really need it posted so some of you readers can take advantage of these great offers this week.
First off CVS:
(1) Colgate Total 2.99 -1MQ = 1.99
(2) Neutrogena Bar Soaps @ 2.99ea = 5.98
Total = 8.60 (w/tax)
Pd 3.53 w/ gift card and the other 5.07 OOP because I only had large ECB's.
Received 2.99 & 10.00 in ECB's
Second Transaction:
(2) Neutrogena Bar Soaps @ 2.99ea. = 5.98
Pd 5.00 Ecb bring my total OOP to 1.05 (w/tax)
Received 10.00 ECB
Next Walgreens:
(2) Fruit Loops @ 2.50ea - 1.50/2 MQ = 3.50
(2) Frosted Flakes @ 2.50 - 1.50/2 MQ = 3.50
(2) Say Yes to Carrots Lip Butter @ 2.76ea - (2) 2.00 IP - (1) 1.00/1 IVC (takes it off both)= -.48 overage
(1) Therma Care heat Wrap @ 2.49 FAR #6
(2) Hersheys Kisses @ 1.25 Clearance = 2.50
(1) Ladies Scarf 1.49 Clearance
Used (2) 6.00 RR's bringing my total down to 1.84!
I used my gift card from last months rebates to pay. I still have 36.54 on the gift card.

So today (tonight for me)I visited one of my favorite sites and discovered yet another great new site.
If you are shopping for an item online then you must go to Retail Me Not, this is a site that is dedicated to coupon codes you can use to checkout with online. I have used them and have not yet been disappointed. This site alone can save you lots of money.
While I was there I noticed they have a new site called Beat My Price, and this site is dedicated to shoppers posting the best price they found on an item and then checking to see if someone has found this item cheaper. I can see this being very useful when buying high ticket items or even things off eBay. Check it out maybe you'll find it as unique as I did.
Go here to get FREE patterns and projects from Butterick!
Also, they are offering BOGO on their patterns for 2/16-2/17 if your a non member, but if you join their club then you can get your patterns B1G2 Free! They do have some patterns at some reasonable prices and if you don't have a JoAnns close by then this would be a great alternative for inexpensive patterns.
The checkout cart will reflect your Free pattern(s).
Please take some time and watch this video (1 HR) then give some feedback on it at the website. The video is Silencing Christians.
Two T.V. Channels banned showing this special. Watch what is so threatening that they need to ban this. The one-hour TV special was scheduled to be shown on the stations, but the stations yanked the program after agreeing to run it. AFA was paying for the time.
I thought I would pass along this great deal from T.G.I. Fridays. Go here to print your coupon. This coupon expires 3/1 and is not valid on Valentine's Day.
Just to warn you I have a fast computer and it took awhile to load so don't get discouraged if it doesn't show up fast.
Also while your there sign up for their stripes card. They will send you more coupons and you can also earn free food.
Cellfire has updated their web-site and are now offering new coupons. These coupons expire 3/9.
If you haven't signed up with Cellfire you can sign up here.
I guess I have failed to realize this site. I know I have visited it or heard about it but for some unknown reason I was not signed up with them. The site is called All That's Healthy.This site is affiliated with a lot of products and have several coupons to choose from. Sign up today and start saving.
Kroger's ad is pretty much the same as last week, with the exception that they are having a case sale. This is what is included:
Kroger deluxe Mac & Cheese - 12/$12
Kroger Canned Veggies - 24/$12 (.50ea)Not bad, their green beans are pretty Good
Maruchan Ramen Noodles -24/$2.88 (.12ea)
Kroger Chicken Noodle or Tomato Soup 24/$12
Kroger Tomato Sauce - Case of 24/$6.00
Kroger Chunky Soup Case of 12/$12.00
StarKist Chunk Light Tuna in Water Case of 24/$23.76 - These could be a great deal if you have the BOGO coupon, or some of the $1 vocal point Q's, these use to be on the buy 5 get $1 OYNO so these could make a great deal.
Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix - Case of 24/$9.60 (.40ea)
Kroger Spaghetti in Tomato Sauce - Case of 12/$6.00
Kroger Apple Juice - Case of 8/$12.00
Dole Fruit Bowls - 16 ct, 4 oz cups, peach gelatin with mixed fruit or mandarin oranges Case of 16
Friskies Canned Cat Food - Case of 24/$9.36 (.39ea)-2/8 insert $1/15 - (.34ea)
I mentions that Joann Fabrics was having a 1/2 off sale starting today. It actually starts next Monday.
Which is better for me because John will be paid by then. Also teh are having DMC floss 4/$1. Which is a very good deal. I like to stock up when they run sales on it, especially since Morgan and myself are both working on a cross-stitch righ tnow. I will post a picture of mine when I get done. I have been working on this for a year now, but I have not contiued to work steadily on it that is why it has takin so long.
Alos check out the coupon for an additional 10% off your entire order.
So I was pretty bummed to have 2 weeks of not so great sales. However, on the bright side. Meijer is now taking an additional 50% off their clearance clothing and shoes. So I guess that made up for it!
I ended up getting John a coat for $10 and some shirts for Christmas presents for $2. I also picked up a sweater for myself for $5. My daughter picked up a pair of jeans for $7.50. She is a bargain shopper just like her mom!!
I noticed a lot of items already marked under $10 so you could really picked up a lot of things this week.
On the food side the only great bargains were:
$1 Betty Crocker Frosting - $.50/1 MQ doubled = FREE
$1.25 Warm Delights - $.50/1 MQ doubled = .25ea
$2.50 Hormel Chili Master - $1/2 Mealbox - $1/1 MQ(2/8 insert) = $1ea
$1.25 Progresso Soup - .50/2 MQ = .75ea (also a $1.10 IP for those who have not printed it yet!)
Happy Shopping!
Last night as I searched the web going through sites that I have not visited in awhile I came across thses great cookbooks that you can download from ConAgra Foods.
There are 4 different ones and if your anything like me you will want all four!
Go here to get your today!
I was in the mood for Chicken Alfredo yesterday so I had to go out and pick up a few things. (BTW- there is no good recipe for this on the web that I could find so I had to call the Food Service Manager at Camp to get her recipe, if you'd like it send me an e-mail.) Since I had already been to Kroger on Tuesday and I knew I had to go in to Kroger Thursday (today) I thought I would stop in Meijer. Sometimes they have marked down dairy and meat items in the middle of the week.
On top of the ad being extremely lame this week they didn't have many items reduced in either department. However, if you like Pumpkin Spice or Gingerbread creamer then you could get free creamer, because it was reduced to .55! I already have one of these that I haven't touched yet so I definitely didn't want more.
The only thing that I thought was worth buying was the .49 pasta and the veggies for .33/can. of course I didn't need any of the pasta that was o sale for the .49, but I did need green beans so I picked some of those up. Also I got some of the Starkist pouches for 1.29 and used (1) BOGO coupon courtesy of Vocalpoint and then (4) $1/1 MQ courtesy of Vocalpoint. If you buy 5 Starkist right now you get $1 off your next order (OYNO). So this turned out to be a great deal on these, $1.45/6.
I also picked p some of teh Pilgrim's Pride Chicken tenders which I absolutely love! These are on sale this week for 2/$7. Well, my best friend form Houston, Kayla, sent me some coupons that got me .75/1. So I picked each of these up for $2.75, which is a great deal because one of these bags will be one dinner for my family. Now I have to keep the kids away from Other then those deals I just didn't see anything great compared to their usual sales. The rest of the items in the picture were items I needed. My total OOP (Out of Pocket), was $18.97.
So it's that time of year again...and as usual I am always so excited to see the kids get started on their projects. Then about a week before projects are due I am wondering why I let them take on so much!
Well, this year I did get Morgan to take one less project so she will only be doing seven. That means less posters...which is great, but I did buy the posters at Walgreens already anticipating her taking three projects that required posters.
Spencer, WILL NOT be sewing this year. Even though he keeps trying to find patterns that would be, in his words, "so much easier than last year". Well after last year, yes anything would be easier. He will be taking microwave cooking and floriculture. I hope the floriculture is as easy as it sounds. I will be looking around Ft. Wayne to see if there is any place that offers flower arranging classes, I think that will help tremendously.
Here is one of the patterns Morgan picked out. She will also have to find a pattern for some Capri's. We found the fabric at Joann's for only $4/yd, and we only needed 2 yds. (heads up next week Joann's clearance fabric will be 1/2 off!!)
This is fabric we picked up for $4.50/yrd that she will use the same pattern to make another top. I took two pictures of the fabric. One is the right side and the other is the wrong side. Morgan wants to do the majority of the shirt with the wrong side out and then do the yoke of the shirt (not sure if you can see it in this picture) with the right side. I think to make this shirt a little more difficult we will be adding piping around the yoke. It will actually help it look more professional as well.

First Stop Walgreens
I had $22 worth of RR's to use by tomorrow so I ended up get Rebate items.
I was hoping to have only a couple dollars OOP however for some unknown reason it would not take my 2 $10 RR's so I had to use one $10 and one $2.
This is what I got and what I used:
Walgreens Multi Purpose Solution - 1.99
Revlon Age Defying Spa Foundation - 9.99 -$2 MQ = 7.99
Revlon Creme Lip Gloss - 9.99 - $2 MQ = 7.99
After coupons and RR's my OOP was $7.51
Then I will get $24.17 with the 10% bonus on my gift card. I had to pay cash because I have not yet received last months gift card money.
Then I went to Kroger where my bad karma continued!
The above items came to a toal of $22.56
For some of you this may be great, but for me I am very upset. I can not for the life of me figure out which coupons teh cashier didn't scan. I should of had 12 scanned coupons and she only scanned 10. I actually caught one of them for the popcorn or she would have missed that one. Then to top this all off all of my shortcut coupons did not come off. I have filed a dispute with them so maybe I will get back that $1.75.
In total I spent $7 more than I had planned. Also Kroger pulled all of last weeks Mega item signs even though they were still on sale. I figured this out when I asked the cashier to scan the cereal. It had a sign for $3.?? however it scanned for $2.69. This was also a bummer, because I could have bought more cheese and cat litter to get me up to the 10 items to get the $5 off.
Anyway I probably will not return anything or go back in there. I will definitely use this as yet another learning experience.
As a positive note the soft scrub was on closeout for 1.84 and with the .50 MQ it makes them only .34! We use a lot of soft scrub so this is a great find I will be going back for more.

My Favorites
My Favorite Sites
- ► November 2009 (1)
- ► October 2009 (3)
- ► September 2009 (4)
- ► August 2009 (17)
- ► April 2009 (26)
- ► March 2009 (34)
February 2009
- Grab Bag Surprise
- Feeling Horrible
- I Started a Mini Quilt
- Finally a Finished Project!!
- Do You Like My New LooK???
- Sutterfly 25 Free Prints
- Free Trial Issue of Eating Well
- The Bible Is Unique 1A
- Inexpensive Items @ Kroger
- Walgreens & CVS Monday Trip
- Up Late Surfing Leads To Great Finds
- Free Butterick Projects
- Silencing Christians
- BOGO Coupon For T.G.I. Fridays
- New Cellfire Coupons
- Another Coupon Source
- Kroger 2/12-2/18
- Update On JoAnn Fabrics
- Highlights For Meijer 2/8-2/14
- ConAgra Foods Free Cookbooks
- Meijer Sale This Week - Is Weak
- 4-H Is Here Again
- Shopping Trip 2/3
- Bible Lessons For Home School
- ► January 2009 (16)
- ► December 2008 (15)
- ► November 2008 (7)
- ► October 2008 (14)
- ► September 2008 (14)
- ► August 2008 (14)
- ► April 2008 (31)