This week (my ad runs from Thurs - Wed.) Starkist Tuna is on sale for .99
It is part of the case sale, but you do not have to buy a case. Well, I had B2G1 coupons making these very cheap when combined with the B5G$1 Catalina to use OYNO. Making these .50ea.
Not on sale but good finds:
Stridex $2.50 (in store special) - $1/1 MQ from inside previous box = $1.50 these are usually at least $4, so even the 2.50 price is good. They also had another box Teal in color for 2.00, but there is less in the box so I figured this to be a better deal.
Then I found Suave Hand lotion 3oz travel size for 1.09 - $1/1 MQ making these .09!!!
I have more q's so I will be getting more before my q's expire.
Also on clearance 75% off were these great pictures.
These were 3.00ea, you can't tell from the picture, but they are frosted glass. And these were only 1.50ea
I am not sure what I am going to do with these yet. Maybe they will end up as gifts or maybe on a wall just not sure which one????