So I ended up at three different stores tonight. My husband was home early so he got the privilege of coming with me. Sometimes he just doesn't get teh madness. He likes the "FREE" stuff, but just doesn't like having to make more than one stop to get it.
So here was what I got tonight:
First Stop Meijer:
(4) Campbells Soup (2) Cream of Mushroom Soup & (2) Cream of Chicken @.79ea - .25MQ = 2.66/.67ea (did not ring up right so I had to get it price adjusted)
2#+ of Bananas @ .59/# = 1.31
Reduced Meat 20% off = 3.42
Reduced Head of Lettuce @ .49
(1) Velveeta @ 4.49 - $1 IP(no longer available) = 3.49
(4) Breakstone Sour Cream @ .99 - (4) .55MQ = .44ea
Grand Total after Q's = $12.93
Next Wal-mart:
(2) Wheat Thins Artisan @ $2ea - 1 BOGO MQ - $1/2 MQ = .50ea
(5) Kraft Dressings @ $1.58ea - $1.50MQ = .80ea
(1) 3pk Tomatoes @ $1 used B2 Kraft Dressing get $1off produce = FREE
(1) Carrots @.84 used B2 Kraft Dressing get $1off produce = FREE
(1) All You Magazine @ $2.24 - .50 MQ (found in last months All You) = $1.74 (Loaded with coupons a must have)
(1) Cascade Rinse Agent @ $3.47 - 3.47 from Home Mailer go here to sign up for it.
My grand Total was: $3.54
If your looking for Kraft Dressing Coupons I can only find them on e-bay the coupon clippers it out of them for now. However, I will not pay the price they are going for on e-bay. Maybe I will find some through another avenue???
Final Stop Kroger (Scott's):
I still had plenty of Captain Crunch Q's left to use before they expire tomorrow so I went in for more FREE CC. Also I bought some Nesquick with the Q's I ordered last week from e-bay and just received, I gave the last to the friendly cashier that tripled all of my Q's in one transaction! I got some yesterday then today and felt as if I got my monies worth out of them so I gave him the rest since the will expire tomorrow. So I also made a coupon friendly cashier.
(8) Captain Crunch @ 2.50 - (8) .50/1 MQ (4) of these ended up being FREE with the promo which is buy 4 get $4 off reducing the cost to $1.50, I did not realize that this would only take (1) $4 off, however you will see why it was okay. So (4) were $1ea.
(8) Nesquick Milk $1 - (8) .50/1 = FREE
(1) Always Infinity @ $5.57 - FREE Q from sample mailed to me - $2 eSaver coupon (so I am $2 over free, which I totally forgot about having loaded)
(1) Refried Beans @ $1 (no Q couldn't find it) :-(
So my grand total here was $3.39 which would have been a negative number if I would have split up the cereal from this order, so it ended up okay that I paid. I do not like to draw attention by having a ZERO balance or a negative. It causes the cashier to think something is wrong? So I try to keep it with a total. They already look at the screen multiple times to make sure it is right, so I can't imagine if they would get negative #! LOL...I have read some stores(not in this town) will give you the money!
Anyway...these are the shopping trips that I just absolutely LOVE!!! Just for kicks I took a picture of the last couple of days Captian Crunch Stockpile...this is not all of it, but this is most of it. My Kids are getting mad about eating only Captain Crunch! I keep telling them "At least you get to eat!" Teenagers...can't wait for them to start shopping with their own money.
I purchased these Bagels the other day on clearance and my intention was to put them in the freezer for my daughter to eat out of when she wanted them.
Well, Saturday around here is a Fin For Yourself Day and I decided to make these yummy bagel bites. I used all of this stuff from my stockpile.
What you need is spaghetti sauce and the toppings of your choice. I chose pepperoni and shredded cheese.
Top your bagels with your selected toppings then heat in oven for 10-15 minutes at 400.

You can always make these ahead of time by adding your toppings, put them in the freezer to freeze for about 30 minutes(leave them on the cookie sheet, that way they will freeze individually). Then after they have frozen put them a freezer bag for the kiddos to grab as needed. If you go with the freezer method it is better to put a little sauce in between the layers so they freezer together better and your cheese will not fall off.
Go here for a FREE Bread cookbook. Only while supplies last. Compliments of Fleischmann's.
You can never have too many cookbooks and if you do, you can always give this with a gift basket as a housewarming gift or wedding gift.
(Edit: Helps when I give you the link)
If you know me then you know how much I love socks! I am one of those people that buy socks for the occasion, but of course on clearance.
So today I started crocheting my first pair of socks. I have known how to crochet for years, but i have never been able to do more than scarfs. I have been watching the Knit & Crochet Today Show on the Create channel and I have been inspired. I am a very visual learner, so I actually record the show then I can print off the pattern then watch the show for reference. It has been such a great help. I can't believe how easy they are. I do have to stop every so often and do something different, simply because my hands and wrist start to hurt. I am hoping to get done with one by Sunday night. If I get done with one I will post a picture. Here is the progress I have made so far.
After these I will make a hat. Morgan has requested it, so I will try it next.
I went to E&S over in Shipshewana yesterday and then I made it to Kroger. I actually happened to be in there when they had reduced skinless boneless chicken. I just wish I had more room in my freezer, because I would have got more because it was only .99/lb and it was Tyson to top it off! Isn't that great! So I picked up twelve packages.
I also picked up these items:
(4) Captain Crunch $1.50 with the purchase of 4 - .50/1 MQ (cashier tripled all 4!) = FREE
(1) Bounty $1.00 - .25/1 = .25
(1) Salad Mix reduced = $1.49
(1) 2+ #'s of ground meat = $5.31
(1) Hamburger Buns = $1.00
(1) Bagels Reduced = $1.25
My total ended up to $19.65! I was so surprised, because I had figured at least $25 just for the chicken, when I looked at my receipt I noticed the chicken rang up half of what it was priced at! Which actually made it .49/#!! Oh how I wish I had a bigger freezer!!
We had a great time at the Food Show. Wow, I was totally stuffed by row 4 and there are 9 rows of food! I guess we should have started with the desserts instead of the Meats.
This is the largest Hamburger I have ever seen! This is a large stack of Hamburgers...hungry?
Stack of Waffles...
This is actually a bunch of little brownies stacked to form this big cake. Very neat idea for a Wedding. Now this is the food we could actually eat!
This vendor actually had it so you could get your own but most vendors had little cups set up with samples already portioned out.
Would you like to cut your grocery bill in half? Well, even if your not frugal most people would say "Yes".
For a limited time you can go here and Save or Print "How To Cut Your Grocery Bill In Half" by Susanne Myers of The Hillbilly Housewife. I have not read the book yet, but she usually has a lot of different ways to save money.
One of the perks to working at Lake James Christian Assembly as an assistant cook is I get to go to the Gordans Food Service Food Expo. GFS invites their big customers like camps, schools, restaurants, and nursing homes to these food shows to try to get more orders. Well, my job is to taste test! WOW!
Tomorrow is the big day. I will have lots of pictures to post for everyone. Hopefully I will also come back with some great recipes.
Here is the Purse/Bag finished! This is for me....but I will be making more to sell. There are a few minor errors that I feel would not be good to do if I wanted to sell it. If I was to sell this one I would have to rip out the lining and re-position the pockets for one. But when I was putting it together I knew it was just for myself and did not take the time to position the pockets correctly!
(Sorry for the edit, but after I saw the pockets in the picture I thought I should explain.)
I have finished the other Apron I was working on and I am so happy with the way it turned out!
Do you like this one better Dad?
Dad wasn't crazy about the split legs in the other one. I however think it adds a sense of whimsy to it. I guess that is why I need to make different styles. As the saying goes "Different Strokes for Different Folks".
Then I started this purse/bag:
This is going together much faster than the aprons. I can see why people make them and sell them! They are very easy and quick!
Above the purse is the fabric I choose to line it with. There is a strap for the purse laying under the lining. When this is actually complete I will post another picture. After lining it and sewing the loops on I will be done. I want to finish this tonight, because I have to work this weekend. Also, I want to start the messenger bag which I have a feeling will take some time.
I also picked up more fabric at Joann's last night on sale for $1.99 yd, plus they always have great remnants so I like to go in and look through those as well. Morgan wants to make a Jean Skirt with fabric panel inserts. I think it will be super cute with the fabric she chose, which is orange with little white polka dots.
I did find a couple of good deals on the clearance I mentioned the other day.
Orajel Toddler Training Toothpaste - .95 use $1/ any Orajel product = FREE
Aquafresh Toothbrushes - 1.09 - use $1.1 any TB = .09
Aquafresh White Trays 3.79 - use teh $5 off White Trays = FREE (possible overage depending on store)
That was all that I have found so far, but they do have several things on clearance in the Mouth care aisle so check them out the next time your in.
I finally made it into Meijer tonight and I had to hurry because I still needed to stop by Kroger. Here is what I got at Meijer:
(5) Crest @ $1ea - $1/1 MQ = FREE
(2) Warm Delights $1ea - (2) .50/1 MQ = FREE
(1) ElMonterey Crunchers $2.50 - $1/1 MQ - $1 MM = .50
(2) Pizza Rolls $1ea - (2).35/1 MQ = .30ea
(2) Minute Maid Lemonade $1ea
(2) Jimmy Dean Skillets $4 - (2) $1/1 MQ = $3ea
(1) Meijer OJ = FREE w/purchase of JDS
(1) L Eggs = FREE w/ Purchase of JDS
(1) Lysol toilet cleaner $1.49 - .50/1 MQ = .49
(1) Lysol Spray $1.49 - .50/1 MQ = .49
(1) Lysol All Purpose Cleaner - .50/1 MQ = .49
(They have raised the prices on these a lot from the last time I bought them. However they are still a money maker with the rebate.)
(5) Michelina Budget Meals @.69ea - $1/5 MQ - $1/5 MM = .29ea
I did get (1) Item Free for buying 10 items.
So my grand total ended up @ $12.31
I know this is a lot of junk food, but that is what my kids like for lunch. MY husband takes the leftovers and the kids eat junk!
This is what I got at Kroger:
(4) Cottonelle @.99ea - .50/2 MQ = .24ea
(2) Land O Lakes Butter $1.49ea - .50/1 = FREE (not pictured I gave to a friend)
(2) Country Crock $1.49ea - .50/1 MQ = FREE
(2) Suave Deodorant $1.49ea - .50/1 MQ = FREE
(1) Toaster Strudel $1.99 - .35/1 MQ - .50 cellfire Q
(1) Van de Kamp's Fish $3.49 - $1/1 Home mailer Q from Kroger
(2) Dixie Plates @ $1.99ea - (2) .35/1 MQ = .94ea
-$5.00 for buying 10 participating Mega Event items.
Grand Total = $3.82
I have lots of RRs that I need to use up or roll into other deals by the end of this week so here is my first trip to Walgreens.
(4) Crisco Sticks clearanced @ $2.19ea
(3) Toms Toothpaste Clearance @ $1.29 WOW! Usually close to $5
(1) Wal-zyr Allergy $3.99 Rebate for 3.99 = FREE
(3) Reach Floss @ $3ea - $1/1 MQ = $2ea
(8) Dove Single Bar @ $1.04
I used $28 in RR's and paid $5.82 OOP(my gift card has not been re-loaded yet)
I also received a $10 RR for the Dove & a $6 RR for the Reach.
While I was in there shopping I jotted down some clearanced items and I am hoping to find s a few match-ups. If I do I will be posting what I find.
Note: To those of you not familiar with Walgreens, you can not use a RR on an item the gives the same RR. Example: I had a $10 RR from last week for teh Dove deal. I can not use that RR on the Dove and still get another $10 RR. This is what is meant by if you want to roll your RRs you try to look for seperate deals to keep them rolling.
I did not intend on going into Kroger until tomorrow, but after I was in town I decided to go to Kroger today then hit Meijer tomorrow. However, I still will go to Kroger again tomorrow for more milk and more FREE butter.
Here is the breakdown:
(2) Armour Meatballs @ $2.49ea - .55MQ = $1.94ea
(2) 1/2 Gallons Milk @ .99ea = $1.98
(2) Land o Lakes Butter @ $1.49ea - .50 = FREE
(2) Dixie Plates @1.99ea - .35MQ = .94ea
(4) Cottonelle 4pk @.99ea - .50/2 MQ= .24ea
(1) Secret Deodorant @ $1.50 - .50MQ = FREE
(1) Sunkist 2 Liter @ $1.25 (needed to get to 10 items)
(1) Pringles Select clearance $2.00 - .50/1 MQ = .50
(2) Country Crock @ $1.49 = FREE
Bought 10 participating items for the mega deal -$5
I also received overage on the items I got for FREE so that gave me $2.50 in overage, making my grand total $7.86!!! Approx. .46/item!!
How about some FREE music downloads? Go to HotCouponWorld for all the details of how you can get 25 FREE songs.
This is a Free Trial to a Subscriber service but you can cancel before the next billing or continue with the service for only .40/song for a total of 30 songs/month.
What a great way to get music for those kiddos without breaking the bank!
Yes, That's Right Menards!
This week Menards has Pledge Multi-Surface for $2.99 with a $2 Mail in Rebate plus there is a $1.25 MQ so it will be a small MM. You can get (3) per household.
I have never done rebates at Menards simply because usually you have to buy $10 worth of additional non-rebate items. However, I do not see that with this one.
I am planning on buying some other items that are on sale anyway so I should be over the $10 limit. If you have had experience with Menards rebates I would love some input!
Also, for those of you that are more earth friendly than myself, Natures Source products are on sale 2/$3 use the $1/1 MQ = .50ea! I think that is a great deal for this type of item. Earth friendly (GREEN) items tend to cost more, so .50 is great!(Actually after closer inspection the coupon is for Natures Source and the sale is for Resolution, sorry for the wrong info.)
I found some great deals at Meijer this week that you might want to take advantage of, and here they are:
Lysol 1/2 off = (most of these are around $1.15) various coupons out there, if Meijer doubles use the .50/1 making them approx. .15 + There is a Q but I am still not sure if it will work, I will try and see, it can't hurt?!
Get the $3 Rebate to make this a Money Maker. (As of 10:30 tonight this is not on their web-site, however this is advertised in this weeks paper, so this should be on their website soon, just hang on to your receipt. Offer is good 3/15/09-5/15/09.)
Totino's Pizza Rolls $1ea - .35/1 MQ = .30ea
Crest Toothpaste $1 - $1/MQ = FREE
Warm Delights $1 - .50/1 MQ = FREE
El Monterey Taquitos $2.50ea - $1/1 MQ - $1/1 Meijer Mealbox Q= .50ea
Michelina's Budget Gourmet .69ea - BUY 5 - $1/5 MQ - $1/5 Meijer Mealbox Q = .29ea
This could have worked last week also, but I just put it together.
Jimmy Deans Skillets $4ea - BUY 2 - $1/1 (2) MQ = $3ea ($6) but when you buy two you also get (1) large Eggs and (1) Meijer Frozen Orange juice these are both worth over $2
Coffee Mate Flavored Creamer $2.50ea - .50/1 MQ = .50ea (these usually have a couple months shelf life if you have room in your fridge)
This post is a couple of days past due, but I have been so busy making my aprons that I have not posted my deals. Once I start sewing it's hard for me to pull myself away!
This is my Walgreens Trip. I had $4.83 OOP...I had a brain fart, because I forgot to use my RR's. I was in a hurry and that always makes me miss something. However, after coupons I had approx. $11 to pay and $6 of it was tax! (When I first posted this I forgot to add that I used the rest of the money I had on a gift card that is why I only had $4.83 OOP)SO here is what I snagged...I will get a rebate of $7.69 for the Axe hair gel/paste. So really I won't be out of any money.
This is from CVS...It ended up being .43 OOP.
I actually had a $10 ECB that expired the day before and I was so upset. Well, I handed it to the cashier and did not say a word. She took it and then I was very happy! I have already lost money that way in the past. These last couple of months just have been so lack luster for me at CVS. Maybe it's just me. I have been getting the Fusions, but besides that they have not really had that great of deals.
The Ritz are from a rain check I had from a few weeks ago and the calendar was for my daughter. The were marked down to .50.
And last but not least...this is from Meijer. I think Meijer has some great deals with the frozen food month. However, my freezer is pretty full so I really only needed to buy some dry goods. I am hoping that another Arm & Hammer deals comes along soon because I just ran out of the stuff I got from Walgreens before Christmas. I will see how Morgan reacts to the ALL, her skin is sensitive and I have never tried ALL, plus it was cheap this week with the $1 coupon from the All You magazine. For this trip I spent $14 and some odd change. Sorry I am not being accurate this week, but I can't seem to find where those receipts ended up. All in all I spent approximately $1 per item with this trip.
I finished the first apron today. I was so excited to get it done. I made Morgan model it, I purposely cut her head off because she didn't want to do it if I wouldn't chop her head out of the picture.
I have started the next one and I am learning with this one as well. It will be much different then the first one. I am still tossing around which fabrics to use as I tear out the seams and rip off the pockets.
Morgan has been making cakes for 4-H for the past 5 years now. Finally this year we decided to have her take a class. The class was half price so we only had to pay $17.50. Here is the cake she made last night. She said the 14 & the M were there because she had icing to use up. Unfortunately now we have to eat!
I think she did a great job! She must get it from her father.
This is what I have done so far with my denim aprons that I am making. This is the first one so it is taking a bit longer. I am sure after I get the process done and acquire more fabric scraps they will go together much faster. Plus I wanted to embroider the pocket of this one. I am really liking the way this is turning out. It will be hard to part with it.
Hopefully I will be finished with it by this weekend. When it's finished I will post pictures. My plan is to make several different aprons and open an etsy store. But I would like to have several ahead so I will continue to have sock on hand.
This is my homemade potpie. The crust is not homemade, but it is very easy to make if you have a little extra time.
This is how I put it together:
2-Rolled Pie Shells (1 pkg)
2 bone-in chicken breast
5 small potatoes (Approx 2 Cups)
1 can green beans
1 cup carrots
1 cup corn
1 cup peas
3-4 Tbl Corn Starch
Boil your chicken in approx. 6 cups water. Add either fresh or dried onions and garlic(your preference on amount), while it's boiling.
Peel & dice carrots & potatoes. In two different saucepans boil your carrots and potatoes till fork tender.
After your chicken is cooked take it off the bone. I use latex gloves to handle the hot chicken. Then dice your chicken. By this time your carrots and potatoes should be done. Drain them and add them in a large mixing to your diced chicken. add your other vegetables.
Now in a saucepan take approx. 3 cups of your chicken broth and bring to a boil. Take your corn starch and add water to it until it makes a white liquid. Not pasty, you want it not too runny and not too thick. Add this to your broth, this will thicken your broth. From here you can add more or less of either depending on how much you will need. Cook until thickened.
Add this to your chicken and veggies. Mix well.
Place your pie shells into the bottom of a 9x13 pan, cut off extra crust use on top. If you want more crust you will need to buy another package or make more.
Bake at 400 degrees for 45-60 minutes or until bubbling in center.
This is a great recipe to use leftover veggies or stockpiled veggies.
I was so excited to find this King size comforter at the Coldwater Goodwill. It was only $29.99 and just like new!We are getting a King size bed with our tax return money and right now we have Queen so I have to get all new bedding. The Coldwater Goodwill is so much cheaper and they actually have sales.
This is the inside.
Well, I made it into the Coldwater Walgreens and picked up more soap.
After the first transaction I realised I did not get the RR for the Blink. I then told the cashier(boy)that I wanted to return it and exchange it for the correct one so I could get my RR. Needless to say he was upset. He called the manager over and stopped her before she was at the register and told her I wanted to return it and get my coupon back. I was puzzled but just stood there. The manager said, "I can do the return but your not getting the coupon back." I said that's fine as long as I get the $2. She said, "Okay, just a minute." Then she went to talk with another manager. In the meantime I am thinking, BOY OH BOY! , what a hassle, what's the big deal. Then she came back and said, "Well, the Manager said if you use a coupon sometimes you will not get the RR." I just simply said, "that's not true because I just used a coupon on the other 3 items and I got the RR. I think it really is simply because I picked up the wrong one, because none of them are marked so I was unsure which on was on sale." She said, "Oh you just want to get a different one?" I replied "Yes, I didn't expect to get the coupon back, I just want to get the one for the sale." It was funny how much she changed her demeanor after she realised what I REALLY wanted.
I went through this story to help you new couponers realise that sometimes the employees at the store do not understand their own programs and sometimes you have to be patient to get good deals.
After getting the correct Blink, I only got an additional lotion for my second transaction. I was actually going to do more, but I was upset with the cashier, because he really didn't want to deal with me.
After breaking the Angola Walgreens store in I really have no patience to train a new store! LOL!!! It still was worth the hassle for the FREE soap.
Some people are reporting that the Cyrstal Clear Reach TB are giving $3 RR when you buy 3. This did not work for me, but they were still Free after coupons.
This will not make you rich however, you can make a little extra money.
Sign up with YouData .
What you do is easy, first you make an account. Then you will log in to look at ads and they credit your account actual money. You will also need a paypal account for this, becasue that is how they pay. I just signed up and already have $4.90, but typically you will earn between .20-.50/day. Which I think is great just for looking at ads. You will not receive a lot of e-mails from them, which I actually think is great.
Some of the sites like My Points send you e-mails and you accumulate points by opening e-mail. If you would like to join My Points leave me a comment and I will send you an invite. (I would appreciate the referral points)
Wow!! I had a great trip to Walgreens tonight! Here is the picture of what I got(minus one bar of soap) and I didn't have any out of pocket! I did a total of five transactions and I had leftover from last months rebates so I used my gift card to pay. I still have over $5 left on it and will be getting $49 here in the next week so I am feeling pretty good about it. Also, I used $16 in RR's and accumulated $23 so I also gained on them.
It is a little too much to list but I will link some of the deals.
Go here to read about the Dove deal. John was out of soap so this was a great find! I think I am going to head to Coldwater to do this deal again because our Walgreens is out and they only have deodorants.
Go here to read about the Johnson's & Johnson's deal. This will be great for baby showers.
Go here to read about the Vaseline & Colgate deals.
The Gamer was a Rain check, but still giving RR's so I got them FREE plus $4 RR.
Gum was Free with MQ from 2 weeks ago, and the Turtles I bought simply because I bought a ton of coupons for the Christmas promo and then I did not get a chance to use them because someone bought all 40 boxes the store received! If people are going to do that I wish they would place an order with the Manager ahead of time. So it's an indulgence.
Sorry Christy it sounds as if you did not have a great trip...I hope you have better luck next time.
These are BOM's from Willowberry Designs. I have finished Jan & Feb, and now need to get going on March. I have not put any fabric along the outside , because I didn't have it until last night. I picked some up at Wal-Mart in Ft.Wayne for $2/yd.
The next thing I am working on is my new "Denim" project. Here is a glimpse of what I am doing. I went to Goodwill and bought some old overalls and started taking the seams out. Unfortunately as you can see in the second picture the seam ripper and I got into a fight and it won!
I felt I needed to go to Urgent Care, however I was in pain and have never cut myself that bad. Then my husband looked at it and said it really wasn't that serious. He also reminded me that I could not go to Urgent Care at 9pm, I would have to go to our local hospital (which I hate). So I took a pain pill from my stash and whined for about an hour and now I am okay.
This will slow down the progress of this project, but I am determined to get something complete to put up on the page by this weekend. I also have company coming Saturday so who knows if this will truly happen.
I forgot to link you to this site when I first posted; (oops!) Head over to Homemaking Dreams to her "Whatcha Working on Wednesday" and get some inspiration for your projects.
Go here to get your free sample of the New EverPure Sulfate-Free Color Care.
Go here to claim your Free $20 Gift Card. The offer is only good for today and these expire March 7th, however, I take advantage of all their free gift cards just in case they have something I really like for cheap.
So if you haven't joined Dillyeo join today and reap the benefits.
I just had to take the quiz! So I have just recently watched Prude & Prejudice, Mansfield Park, and Sense & Sensibility. So I am now a huge fan of Jane Austin!!! I have been missing out on her classics for so long...Now I guess I have to watch Persuasion, if they have it on video at the library.
If you have diabetes and struggle with finding great meals to cook then go here and sign up for your free Living Well magazine, three cookbooks, and a Meal Planning Guide. This a great site to help you manage your diabetes.
This is another great way to get some coupons that you don't see too often in the inserts on Sundays.
Purchase five (5) participating frozen products (Hungry-Man®, Mrs. Paul’s®, Van de Kamp’s®, Duncan Hines® Oven Ready, Aunt Jemima® or Lender’s® Bagels) between 3/1/09 and 3/31/09, fill out this form. Mail your completed order form and the original cash register/purchase receipt(s) dated between 3/1/09 and 3/31/09 with the participating products circled, in an envelope to: The Real Meal Deal Offer, P.O. Box 2866, West Caldwell, NJ 07006-2866. All coupon requests must be postmarked by 5/1/09 and received by 5/15/09. Limit five (5) $1.00 Savings coupons per household.
I was planning on buying some fish sticks anyway while they are on sale so this will work out perfectly.
With Meijers Frozen Food coupons I am sure there will be some other great ways to acquire these coupons for real cheap!
My Favorites
My Favorite Sites
- ► November 2009 (1)
- ► October 2009 (3)
- ► September 2009 (4)
- ► August 2009 (17)
- ► April 2009 (26)
March 2009
- Great Freebies & Almost Freebies
- Super Simple Bagel Bites
- Free Bread Cookbook
- Crocheting My First Socks
- Kroger 3/27 Trip
- Pictures From The Food Show
- Cut Your Grocery Bill In Half
- GFS Food Expo
- Morgan's Last Cake From Class #1
- I Love To Check The Mail
- Finished Denim Purse
- A Start & A Finish
- Clearance @ Walgreens
- Morgan's Second Cake Class
- Meijer & Kroger 3/17
- Walgreens & Kroger 3/16
- Free Music Downloads
- Money Maker @ Menards
- Some Great Meijer Deals 3/15-3/21
- This Weeks Shopping Trips
- First Apron Finished
- Cake Decorating Class
- Watcha Working On Wednesday 3-11
- Homemade Potpie Recipe
- Great Goodwill Find
- More Freebies
- Easy Money?
- Walgreens Great Trip 3/5 "All FREE"
- What I'm Working On Wednesday 3/4
- Free Sample of the New EverPure
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