My first stop CVS:
Revlon Eye shadow 4.99 50% off = 2.49 -$2 MQ = .49
Revlon Nail Polish 5.99 50% off = 3.00 - $2 MQ = 1.00
I also had a $2 off Revlon CRT but the cashier had to adjust it down to $1.49. So my total was .28 then I used my gift card and paid $0 OOP.
Second stop Scott's (Kroger):
(3) Coffee Mate Creamers $1.89ea – (1) $1.50 IP (2) .50 MQ = .39ea
(2) Fuze Drinks .88ea – (2) .25 = .13ea
(4) Rice-a-Roni $1ea - $1/4 MQ = .75ea
(2) Cottonelle .99ea - .50 IP = FREE
(2) Softsoap $1ea - .35 MQ = FREE
(3) Hamburger Helper $1ea - .80/3 IP – (2) .75 Shortcuts Q’s = .23ea or .70 for all 3
(1) Colgate Total $2 - $1 cellfire Q - $1 MQ = FREE
(1) Colgate Max Fresh $1.50 - .75MQ = .75 (I should have received another Q off from cellfire, but it did not come off not sure if I picked up the wrong one or what.)
(2) Kotex $3ea – (2) $1 cellfire Q’s – (2) $1 MQ = $1ea
After all Q’s and including taxes my Total OOP was $8.52.
Third and BEST stop Walgreens:
Okay, the first is thing is an Ankle brace that my daughter needed after twisting her foot last night at practice so that was a must have, so…
(1) Ankle Brace $16.99
(2) Pantene Conditioners $1.29ea - $3/2 = -.42
(1) Glade Glass Scent .82 - $1MQ (from the inside of a package no clue which one) = - .18
(1) Electrasol Tabs $3.49 w/raincheck - $2.50MQ = .99
(2) Citrucel Chews $5.59ea – 3.00/1 Easysaver Q pg21 - $2MQ = .59ea
(2) Revlon Lipsticks $2.29ea - $2MQ also on sale for BOGO Free this week = -$1.71
(6) BioInfusion $1.99ea - $2/1 Easysaver Q pg 14 = -.06
After all q’s My total was only $20.30. After leaving I looked at my receipt and noticed that my subtotal was only $16.85 which was less that the brace itself. I will also be getting $1.65 back in rebate for the Electrasol.
Also keep in mind that this particular cashier gave me overage and some do not. I was only expecting free and did not plan on the overage, that way if I get overage it makes me even happier!!
I hope to get more time to go back in tomorrow for some other things I saw on clearance. However I work so it will depend on how I feel after working 11+ hours.