So today I had to take my brother to the doctor in Ft.Wayne. Not exactly my fun part of the day, for those of you who know me know that I really enjoy my sleep (unless I am shopping) and I had to be up at 6:00am to get him there on time. However, I am a softy for my family and especially my big brother. After his appointment he decided while we were in Ft. Wayne we could do some other things as well, such as going to the RV and Camping Show. Well, the show did not start until Noon so we had time to kill. So we went to the mall and looked around Borders. If you have a Borders nearby you should stop in they had a lot of Winter items marked at $2. Some of it was Christmas, but a lot of the books were miscellaneous odds and ends really.
After the mall we headed over to The Olive Garden and met my hubby for lunch, I had the Soup & Salad and chose the Gnocchi Soup, which in my opinion is the best. After lunch the Show was open and we headed over to the Coliseum.
At the show we looked at every RV they had and had a lot of fun dreaming! Then around 2:30 we headed out. We stopped in Auburn to update his Centennial phone, this is when I excused myself and made a run to CVS.
While I was there I found Gillette Shavers and the Shampoo!! I was so excited because the store I usually go to was out of Gillette Shampoo by Monday and had no clue about the razors. So I bought 2 Gillette Razors, 2 Venus Razors and 5 Gillette Shampoos.
I then went back to Centennial and picked up my brother. Then we stopped by Wal-Mart. While I was there I got 2 Glade Flameless Candle Holders for .28. They were marked down to $2 and I had 2 more $2 Q's form the boxes of the last ones I bought at Walgreens. They do not have candles in them and have snowflakes on the boxes so I think they were considered Christmas items.
After leaving I took him home and headed home. When I arrived home I remembered I told Morgan I would take her to Jo-Anns to pick out a pattern for her 4-H project. I also needed to get her to Basketball practice by 6:00 and it was 4:30! So we jumped in the Van got into town and got her pattern. Well, me being who I am...I had to check our CVS to see if we had our Shavers out. Of course they were not! I asked the manager about them and she said I will go look in the back and she came back out with one box of 9. I told her I had seen them earlier and the other store had a whole endcap of them. At this point I was very happy I made that run to CVS in Auburn. I did get one more but was very disappointed, because I had 3 more q's for them. Oh well, I didn't want to be selfish, so I only took one.
I then mad a dash out and took Morgan to practice then ran home and cooked dinner! Something easy, Spaghetti, and luckily John was home to help. After eating I went back to pick her up.
Well, that was a very jam packed day! I loved spending time with my brother since we never have time together. With him being sick I cherish our time together even more!
Do you have a recipe that you'd like to have published? Well, head on over to Gooseberry Patch and submit your recipe and if they put it in their new book you'll receive a book free! For all the details on how to submit please be sure to visit their site. They also have great gifts and when you sign up with them they will update you with all of the on going sales, via e-mail.
While online last week I stumbled across this great giveaway! Banana Republic is giving away a Bag a day! You can also sign up to be reminded every day until the giveaway is over.
I have not had any luck so far but maybe one of you will be lucky enough to win one of these wonderful Bags!
Okay so with all of the clearance specials going on I just have not had time to post. Plus our Kroger ad just started yesterday and I have had to get things around for that. I actually bought some coupons for this and I am hoping that they don't run out of everything in time for me to use them all. I have already received them and used them on some items yesterday, but I am very leery about Kroger and their stocking ability.
So here are some pics of the great deals I have been taking advantage of. Due to the fact that I am posting these late I am only going to post the Store and the amount if you need details I will get them to you.
These are form Walgreens Clearanced @ 1.09ea used $2/2 and received $2RR!! Qualifies as part of the Unilever deal.
Total OOP = .62
Kroger trip 1/22
OOP 28.68 for 33 Items
(Cheese is at stock up prices this week, I need another freezer! LOL)

Walgreens #1 15.52 OOP
These Loreal shampoos with the goggles only were 1.74 then I used .75/1Q making them $1ea! I am saving these for Christmas.
Kohls OOP 19.47
Returned jeans for daughter and actually only spent 3.45 after the return.
My first stop CVS:
Revlon Eye shadow 4.99 50% off = 2.49 -$2 MQ = .49
Revlon Nail Polish 5.99 50% off = 3.00 - $2 MQ = 1.00
I also had a $2 off Revlon CRT but the cashier had to adjust it down to $1.49. So my total was .28 then I used my gift card and paid $0 OOP.
Second stop Scott's (Kroger):
(3) Coffee Mate Creamers $1.89ea – (1) $1.50 IP (2) .50 MQ = .39ea
(2) Fuze Drinks .88ea – (2) .25 = .13ea
(4) Rice-a-Roni $1ea - $1/4 MQ = .75ea
(2) Cottonelle .99ea - .50 IP = FREE
(2) Softsoap $1ea - .35 MQ = FREE
(3) Hamburger Helper $1ea - .80/3 IP – (2) .75 Shortcuts Q’s = .23ea or .70 for all 3
(1) Colgate Total $2 - $1 cellfire Q - $1 MQ = FREE
(1) Colgate Max Fresh $1.50 - .75MQ = .75 (I should have received another Q off from cellfire, but it did not come off not sure if I picked up the wrong one or what.)
(2) Kotex $3ea – (2) $1 cellfire Q’s – (2) $1 MQ = $1ea
After all Q’s and including taxes my Total OOP was $8.52.
Third and BEST stop Walgreens:
Okay, the first is thing is an Ankle brace that my daughter needed after twisting her foot last night at practice so that was a must have, so…
(1) Ankle Brace $16.99
(2) Pantene Conditioners $1.29ea - $3/2 = -.42
(1) Glade Glass Scent .82 - $1MQ (from the inside of a package no clue which one) = - .18
(1) Electrasol Tabs $3.49 w/raincheck - $2.50MQ = .99
(2) Citrucel Chews $5.59ea – 3.00/1 Easysaver Q pg21 - $2MQ = .59ea
(2) Revlon Lipsticks $2.29ea - $2MQ also on sale for BOGO Free this week = -$1.71
(6) BioInfusion $1.99ea - $2/1 Easysaver Q pg 14 = -.06
After all q’s My total was only $20.30. After leaving I looked at my receipt and noticed that my subtotal was only $16.85 which was less that the brace itself. I will also be getting $1.65 back in rebate for the Electrasol.
Also keep in mind that this particular cashier gave me overage and some do not. I was only expecting free and did not plan on the overage, that way if I get overage it makes me even happier!!
I hope to get more time to go back in tomorrow for some other things I saw on clearance. However I work so it will depend on how I feel after working 11+ hours.
I always look at the coupons coming out Sunday at Taylor Town, but for some reason she has not been posting them until the night before. Well I guess I never realized that the Coupon Clippers Web-site also offers previews and an added bonus for me is that they have pictures. I am such a visual person I think that this is a!
This weeks look pretty good so I guess I will be buying one extra paper so that will mean I will buying 7 papers. Which IMO buying papers in bulk is the only way to coupon these days! I know a lot of people have ask me why I save so much money, and I tell them it's because I buy more than one paper. It's like a revelation to them. Well, I guess I was the same way at first. So if your looking to start couponing the first rule is to buy more than one paper, I think everyone should at least buy 3-4 that way you'll have enough for the deals at CVS and Walgreens.
Kimberly-Clark is giving away $25,000 Room-A-Day. This is a daily entry and 16 lucky people will win!! I so need to win this!
Go here and enter for your chance to win one of these baskets filled with more than $100 worth of Dove Hair Care products!
Some people may think this is a positive, however I don't! So far we have had 7 1/2 inches and it is still snowing! (Mom I bet you're glad you're in Myrtle Beach!)
Unfortunately I am stuck inside because my DH and son went to a Boy Scout camp out. Yes, to a Boy Scout CAMP OUT. My husband said "no" to the camp out, and just went for the day, but my son was dying to go. All of his years in Boy Scouts and he has never stayed at the Klondike. In years past there was no snow, so he felt like it was worth going. Just one of the few reasons men and women are different. LOL!!
I know the snow is beautiful and for the people with snow mobiles it is great fun, but for me it means nothing but pain. Every time it snows it causes my fibromyalgia to flair up, so I really could care less for the snow.
My first stop was Walgreens , below is the breakdown.

Then the last stop was Scott's (Kroger)- My Kroger triples up to .50, but will only triple 2.
(2) Jell-o Pudding @ $2 - (2) .50/1 = $1
(2) Cottonelle @ .99 - (2) .50/1 = FREE
(2) Brooks Chili Beans @ .89 - .55/2 = $1.23
(1) Kroger Eggs = $.88
(8) Campbell's Chunky Soup @ .99 - (2) .50/4 = $4.92 (.62ea)
(1) Kroger Saltines @$1.25 - .75 cellfire Q = .50
(1) Kroger Wheat Bread reduced = .75
(1) Kroger Butter Top Wheat reduced = .65
(1) Kroger Tortilla Chips = .88
(2) Fuze Drinks @ .88 - (2) .25/1 = .26
(2) Softsoap @ $1.00 - .35/1 = FREE
(1) Folgers Coffee @ $6.99 - .25/1 = $6.24
(1) Kroger Hot Dog Buns reduced = .65
(4) Tyson Skinless Boneless Chicken reduced to $1.19/# - (4) $1/1 package = $5.12 (just under 8#'s)
(1) Swiffer starter kit $3.99 - $1 = 2.99 (I thought I had an e-coupon for this also, but it did not work, so it was not the right product)
My total after all Q's = $26.52
I thought that it was pretty good considering the Coffee and the chicken!
Old Orchard is offering a FREE Bottle of Healthy Balance Juice. To get your free bottle you will need to collect 10 barcodes from any Healthy Balance juice product, and redeem them for a VIP coupon good for 1 FREE Healthy Balance 64oz. bottle of juice of any flavor. Go here for the address and the rest of the details.

4 - Flinstone Vitamins $5ea = $20 - (4) $1MQ & (4)$1 IVC from the Coloring Book = $12
1 - Ben & Jerry's $3 = $3 - $3 IP = FREE (the IP is no longer available)
My total was $5.40 and I used my gift Card so OOP Was $0.

John's Mom and Dad with all but one of the Grandkids.
(I just discovered the date reads the day first then the month)
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