Well, I have not posted due to just simply not having time. I am doing just a short post to update everyone. I have had a busy week, Cedar Point, Laser X, and then I went to the Camp to make my schedule for the summer. Today we went to a gradation party that I totally spaced until yesterday and then I will be heading to Detroit for my nieces Graduation, which does not even start until 7pm. I will not get home until very late. Her party will not be until July 19th.
I will be posting my May budget ASAP...I am not looking forward to the numbers. I am very afraid I did not do well, this last week I think I spent well over $100. Kroger ended up running a 4-Day sale and I went in to get some things that I could have put off until Monday. I will be posting as soon as I go over the numbers.
Just to let everyone know that the Bertolli coupon has been reset and you should be able to print two more.
I just received a coupon in my e-mail for $10 off a $30 purchase. Thought I would share the link with all of you. This is only good for Friday May 30th ONLY!
So I was out Friday looking for deals and then my DH husband and I also went out on Saturday. I will just highlight what deals I got as I did get some great deals, but I don't want to bore you with all of them.
This is what is in this picture and what I paid.
Birdhouse bean pot from Home and Garden Party -$3(will try to resale or give away)
RD Complete Guide to Sewing - .25 (WOW)
10-1oz skeins Sicilian Floss(gave my aunt the box of crochet thread that came with this) - $1 (not sure if I will keep or sell)
32 Cornerstone of Freedom Books - $5 (definitely will sell)
Misc Cookbooks & Magazines - $1 (I never have enough cookbooks)
These pillows were .25 each so I bought them for the dogs to lay on, since we just tossed the other pillows they had.
Have you been to any Garage sales yet?
Some of you post a "Menu Plan" on Monday's. Well, I thought that was a great idea. I however will put my twist on it and mine will be what we had last week for dinners. I am very bad at sticking to a menu and with our family always on the go in the summer sometimes I am not sure exactly what will happen in the week. I also don't usually cook on the weekends. Saturdays are fin for yourself, and on Sundays my husband makes a big brunch and we just snack at night.
I will of course have to come up with some catchy phrase for this weekly topic.
Here is what we had last week:
Monday - Grilled Hamburgers, baked beans and green beans (Scouts/Softball)
Tuesday - Chicken, broccoli, & rice casserole
Wednesday - Grilled Sausages (Hot Dog Style), veggie and chips (Softball)
Thursday - BBQ beef sandwiches, chips and veggies (softball)
Friday - Home Made Pot Pie
As you can see we are gone a lot in the week. Summer months we do eat more quick meals than in the winter.
Checkout Meijer Mealbox for new coupons that include:
$1 off 2 Kraft Shredded Cheese
$1 off any 2 Kraft Salad Dressings
$1.50 off 2 Kraft Miracle Whip or Mayonnaise
These coupons are good until 6/7/08.
Today I will be out searching for bargains at Garage Sales. This weekend is town-wide garage sales so there will be plenty to visit. I will be looking for items I can resale or items I feel I can not live without. I will post if I get any great bargains.
Do you need more coupons? Trade with me. I get anywhere from 5-8 inserts a week and don't use a lot of the coupons in them. Take a look at my havelist and see if there is anything you need or want. Also, just send me an e-mail or post if you don't see something I may have it it but it may not be listed.
In the next couple of weeks I will be starting a coupon train (for US residents only) if you are interested in joining it please leave a post, so I can get an idea of how many people will ride.
In case you are not signed up to get e-mails from Walgreens then I will post the link to the coupon for $5 off $20 purchase on Friday the 23rd. This is a one day only coupon.
If you haven't signed up for e-mails do it today so you will never miss any great deals.
Okay I have been frustrated about this for several months now and I would like to get some feedback form my readers.
What is you overall satisfaction with the new Ultra Concentrated Detergents?
I ask this because when I saw that they were slowly taking away the larger bottles I freaked out. I noticed the larger bottles not only had more (duh) but the load sizes were larger. I normally buy the Arm & Hammer 100oz size anywhere between 2.97-3.97 for the bottles. This size is only suppose to do 32 loads as is the new concentrated liquid. So I decided to test this theory out.
I did not count my loads, however I marked on the cap when I started using it. The 100 oz size lasted me 41 days. Then I bought the concentrated 32 load size, I believe it's 50 oz. The first thing I noticed was that the fine print states this is 32 medium loads. (I usually don't do small or medium loads.) This bottle only lasted me 26 days.
This just totally aggravates me that they tell us they are making the bottles smaller for the environment. I don't argue with that, but I do argue with the fact that I am not getting the same amount of product for my money. I think this is a way to take more money from us and we don't see the price increase, we just have to buy these products more often.
BTW- If you use Arm & Hammer here is a link to get some coupons.
You can also notice this same idea if you have older recipes. The recipe may call for an odd size of bag or box, because that is the way the product use to be packaged. Examples of this are soup, chocolate chips, & marshmallows.
Sorry Mom you've already heard this spill.
It seems as if the newest rage in coupons is to get them loaded to your savings card. I only have a Kroger here that offers a card, but if you live in the south you may have more places to use more coupons.
This is how it works:
1. Sign up at the web-site listed below.
2. Choose coupons to load to your card. (Can load more than one card.)
3. Print off a reference sheet to use at the store.
The best part is that you can double dip with these coupons. I really don't think the double dipping will last forever, so take advantage while you can. I think the programs are so new that they haven't really worked out all the programming yet.
Here is a list of the sites that are currently offering e-coupons.
Making Life Better
P&G eSaver
I had a great trip to Kroger tonight and since I will be gone tomorrow I thought I would blog about it tonight. All coupons were tripled unless the items were less than the tripled amount, then they just doubled or coupon was taken to the amount to make free. I hope that makes sense. My Kroger does not give overages.
Okay this is what I got:
3 Kroger Country Sausage $1 each
1 Totino's Pizza $1 -.50 MQ = FREE
1 Chicken of the Sea Tuna in Water $.69
2 Bounty Basic $1ea. - 2/.25 MQ = .25ea
1 Wisk $3.49 - 1 e-coupon for 1.50 + 1.50 MQ = .49
1 Kikkomon Soy Sauce $1.49 - .55 MQ = .94
1 Heinz Ketchup $1.58
1 KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce $1.49 - .50 MQ = FREE
1 French's Mustard $1.19 - .50 MQ = FREE
3 Pringles .97ea - .30/3 MQ = .70ea
2 Nesquick singles $1ea. - .50 MQ = FREE
1 Weber Grillin Seasonings $1.99 - .50 MQ = .49
6 Chef Boyardee $1ea - 2 MQ .30/3 = .70ea
2 Past Roni $1ea - .50 MQ = FREE
2 Hamburger Helper $1ea - .50/2 MQ = .25ea
6 Asst. Barilla Pastas $1ea - 3 MQ .50/2 = .25ea used 2 different Qs
1 Kroger Donut Holes marked down to .50
1 Kroger English Muffins marked down to .50
My grand total before coupons was $40.11 my total after coupons was $14.13!! That's a total savings of $25.98.
Granted some of you don't eat these foods. However, my kids will eat the pizza and the Chef Boyardee for lunch.
I also usually don't buy Wisk, but for .49 I will try it. Click on the link above and it will take you to a site where you can load coupons to your card and then they automatically come off after your item is scanned at the register. Very cool!
I will go back and do some of the same deals tomorrow. I didn't have time to separate two transactions tonight. I have to go into Meijer anyway so I will not be going out of my way. I will try to post Meijer deals tomorrow.
This is definitely a YMMV! For those of you that are new and are like "What?". Well, that's how I was when I first saw "YMMV". It stands for "Your mileage may vary" however, mileage in there when I say it to myself makes no sense. So I say "Your Market May Vary". This way it makes more sense to me when I am talking about deals.
Anyway back to Wal-Mart. I went in yesterday after church and scored a couple of great deals. My hubby dropped me off at the door since I was only picking up milk, but I insisted on lugging in my coupons, and I am so glad I did.
I went directly to the back to get the milk, and started towards the lunch meat. Hubby said he might need some more lunch meat for sandwiches so I was going after the Land of Frost, because I knew I had a .55/1 MQ for that. I did get one of those. Then as I kept going I saw that teh Oscar Meyer Deli thick cut Ham was marked 2/$2. So I picked up 5, because I knew I had 5 q's for .55/1. Wahoo I felt great then I went a little further and found Farmland Bacon marked 2.50. I had 3 q's for this that were $2/1. Wow, bacon for .50! That is cheap-cheap!
FYI-Wal-mart in my town also has priced matched the Meijer ad. Some of the items are better than Meijer if you don't have q's for them then pick them up there. If you have q's for them, like the Chef Boyardee then your better off getting them at Meijer or Scott's.
Sorry to say I will only take a very quick trip to CVS this week. I actually just have not been super excited about the ads. I do need to get one more Adidas deodorant and check some prices of a couple of other things to see if is worth my while to do them. I will post if I get some great deals! Don't hold your breath I just don't see it happening this week.
Same goes for Walgreen's, I do have a $6 RR that needs to be spent this week so I will probably buy a rebate item, not sure what yet. Will post this also.

But there's never any doubt that you love your kids and are a mama bear when it comes to protecting them: just ask anyone who's ever tried to criticize them. You've got an extra sense for sniffing out trouble and are a genius when it comes to coming up with tricks for nipping it in the bud.

Thanks Christy for the post on your site...I am not sure if I agree but it was fun to see which TV mom I would be.
Okay this is free with the purchase of... I Found this offer yesterday when I received my free issue of Women's Health magazine.
This is the offer:
Purchase any two items from the following brands at any retailer and receive a free insulated lunch tote from Women’s Health by simply sending your receipt, name, date of birth and address to M. Manning, Women’s Health/ Wegmans, 733 Third Avenue, NY, NY 10017.The participating products are Lean Pockets, Nature's Path Organic, Sensodyne Pronamel, and Sunchips.
*Offer good while supplies last. One per customer. Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. Original receipts only. Receipts must be dated after 4/22/08 and before 5/20/08. Brand name must appear on original receipt. Your receipt, name, date of birth and complete mailing address must be received by 6/1/08. Special offer open to those who are 18 years or older and a legal resident of the U.S. and/or D.C.
Okay the BEST PART is if you got in on the Mega Deal at Kroger and bought the Sunchips then you may have a receipt that qualifies. I looked through mine and mine is dated for 4/28/08 so mine will work.
Have you heard of Once a Month Cooking? It is when you set one day aside and cook all your meals for the month and put them in the freezer. Some meals are fairly easy such as spaghetti. This particular meal would only require you to cook the sauce then freeze it. If you like meatballs then you would have to cook those also and add them and then freeze. This style of cooking helps you save money and helps you to eat healthy. If you know you have something in the freezer then you will not eat out or cook something from a box.
Well, I have been wanting to do Once a month cooking(OAMC) for awhile now. I heard about it several years ago and then forgot about it. Then last year in the fall the subject came up again. I was in the van and I was listening to WBCL and on their mid-morning show they had some ladies that wrote a cookbook specifically dedicated to OAMC. I went straight out and bought the book. I was so inspired again to start this. I cooked several meals out of the cookbook to start taste testing them. Almost all of the meals I cooked the family loved. Then I started researching freezer meals and came across another book entitled 30-Day Gourmet. I found the book along with the computer program for half of the cost on e-bay and was so excited. The program is absolutely awesome, even if you don't want to cook for a month then it's still a great investment. It allows you to add recipes of your own and multiply them by the amount of portions you want. It also comes with a lot of recipes from the book right on the CD.
Now to the problem...even though I really, really want to do this,(I am only wanting to cook for two weeks at a time) I have not been able to figure out how to do this and still remain shopping for deals all the while staying in budget. A lot of times I cook based upon what is on sale. However, we are getting very busy again with softball and 4-H that it seems we our eating is not as good as it was in the fall and winter months. My family is not the type of family that likes to eat the same thing every week or faot that matter every other week. The only thing my DH will eat every week is hamburgers or pizza. Other than that he really likes to have a few weeks in between his meatloaves.
I would love to hear form you if you do OAMC or if you also have wanted to start. Or if you just have some suggestions I would like to hear those too.
I finally added a site meter. I have just been blogging a little over a month and I finally decided to get a meter. I was always wondering how people knew how many people visited their site. I am very excited!
Next thing to do is to add a guest book! Does anyone have any good ideas? Please share.
I have not wrote any scenarios or deals this week because I am not impressed with them at all. I did go and get some Intuition refills and four bags of Bliss chocolate. I had a $4 MQ for the Intuition and 2 B1G1 MQ's for the Bliss, which qualified me for the $10 Hershey's deal. Other than that it has not been too busy at CVS this week for me.
As a side note to the slow week I went in to our local CVS and found out that we now have a scanner!!! That was a great positive. I scanned my card and received $10/$50. I was not super excited about it, because I get them a lot from the register, but it was fun to use the scanner for the first time. I so badly wanted to scan my card again to see if it would give me something different, but the manager stood there and stared at me. I figured I would go in some night during the week when a different manager was on duty (a more friendly one) ands scan my card a few times and see what I get.
Well, here it is 1:34 and I can't sleep! I really wanted to get to bed early tonight too. I crawled in bed at 10:15 (which is fairly early for me) and was abut falling asleep watching the rest of the show that was on. Before the show even was over the T.V. got turned off, because we were getting such poor reception. So I thought good I am tired I am going to sleep good! I think I might have dosed off once? This is one of the many things I deal with having fibromyalgia . I am tired a lot and don't sleep well at all. I have went as far as to cut almost all of my caffeine out of my diet. I usually have one cup of coffee per day and maybe one orange soda. It gets very frustrating at times when I am so tired and can't sleep. It tends to go in cycles, I sleep for a month or two with no problems then out of nowhere I can't get sleep (or good sleep) to save my life.
Some of you may read this and not have a clue what I am talking about. That's okay, read up on fibromyalgia and this will give you a better understanding of the disease. Then on the other hand some of you may know someone or may be diagnosed yourself with a FM or a similar disease such as CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). Post your ideas and what has and has not worked for you. I am always interested in trying new ways to help me cope.
I received this e-mail last night and thought I would pass it along. Sorry to those of you that have already read it.
Do the Math!
With gasoline prices soaring these days, it dawned on me that
I should actually do the math on some of the trips that I
make, especially the trips I make in an attempt to "save
money." Here's how to calculate the cost of your trips:
1. First figure out how many miles per gallon (mpg) your car
gets. Mine gets on average 21.1 mpg. (I averaged together the
"city" and "highway" figures or actually measure your car's
performance.) If you don't know your mpg, you can easily get
it by typing in the year, make and model of your car followed
by the words "miles per gallon" into any search engine on the
2. Divide the cost of one gallon of gas (I just paid $3.55 per
gallon) by the number of miles per gallon your car gets. I
divided $3.55 by 21 miles per gallon. It costs me about 17
cents to drive each mile.
3. Figure out how many miles it takes to get to and from your
destination. If you don't know this number, go to "driving
directions" within Yahoo Maps (http://maps.yahoo.com/) and
input two, complete addresses (in most cases, your home and
your destination). That will yield the number of miles between
the two locations. If you don't know the address of your
destination, use the Internet to locate it first.
4. Double the number of miles you just found to calculate your
round trip.
5. Finally, multiply the number of miles in your round trip by
the amount it costs you to drive a single mile.
The number you get back will surprise you. It surprised me.
For example, there is a thrift store I love to bargain hunt
at. It's 14.7 miles from my home. That's 29.4 miles round
trip. I used to go at least once a week just for fun. Well, I
just did the math, and it costs me $4.99 to go there each time
or $22.45 a month. And often, I don't buy anything!
If you take a minute to actually do the math, you will likely
become more thoughtful about where and when you decide to
drive. Your wallet and our environment will thank you.
JR in Houston
I did finish the dress and thought I would post Morgan in it. She did not want to take a picture, so I guess that is the reason for the funny face. Who knows? (I couldn't find a good place to take the picture) I thought the dress looked really cute with the little white sweater we found at Wal-Mart.
I have been so busy, I have not had tome to blog. My kids are having a Piano Recital tonight and I decided Friday that the dress I had started sewing for my daughter she could wear tonight. Well, the good thing was it made me sew it, the bad thing is that it made me sew it!
Some of you may sew and if you do you may be able to give me some advice...for next time. I have sewn off and on for years, but I really never sew enough to keep my feet wet.
To start things off I cut the dress as a size 6 because patterns are suppose to be bigger than your normal size, going from my experience in the past. My daughter is also starting to sew for 4-H and I was showing her how to take the measurements for her dress. That is when I discovered that the dress I was sewing would more than likely not fit her. I decided to baste the bodice together anyway. Without any luck it did not fit. Finally from trial and error I took out the back pleats and made all the seams 1/4". That did work! However, then I had problems making the skirt and the lining fit properly. It also has a zipper that was suppose to be a hidden zipper, it is not hidden, because I didn't have any extra fabric to work with. All and all it turned out okay, but I spent most of Friday and some of Saturday sewing it. In the pictures posted I do not have the hem in it yet that is today's "quick" (crossing fingers) project.
This project was actually still pretty easy if it would have been cut right to begin with. It has inspired me to sew another dress or two. I have already bought the pattern and will be scouting for inexpensive fabric. I usually don't like to pay over $3/yd, that way is still worth me sewing it.
Yesterday was of course Mother's Day and we ran around most of the day. It was rainy here but it still turned out to be a great day! I did get my Crocs, not the best color, but that is all they had in my size. I thought about exchanging them, I know the store would order some in my size and color, but I really didn't want to wait to wear them, so I will be appreciative of what I received.
Just wanted to let everyone know that the 08' Entertainment books are now only $9.99(12.98 w/S&H). These books have tons of coupons and depending on where you live they can run upwards of $40. There is still plenty of time to use these books and it will save you a lot of money. I figure if you use it 1-2 times you will get your money back.
May 27th the kids, my Mom and I are all going to Cedar Point. I love this place! We will be going along with some other families in the home school group. It's been two years since I last went. I love to ride the roller coasters, however I can't ride as many as I use too. It seems the older I get the harder it is to recover form the rides. The kids are excited because we haven't had very many breaks this school year so they will be able to count this as a field trip! YEAH!! We won't be doing much more this summer so I will make sure to enjoy myself.
After we get back I will be sure to post some pictures.
What are you doing this spring/summer?
Okay so Mother's Day is fast approaching...I have already got my Mom a Mother's Day gift. Have you? Well, I can't really say what I got, because my Mom does actually read my blog! Love you Mom!
Well, my thoughtful daughter kept asking me, "Mom what do you want for Mother's Day?" If you are anything like me you really don't want to send hubby and the kids off to spend XX amount of dollars on something you really don't need or want. So at first I told her something simple. I usually end up saying, "Buy me some flowers to plant, that way I can look at them every year, year after year."
Then the other day it struck me as I was slipping on my daughters shoes,(yes we can wear the same shoes) I would really like some Crocs. Personally I don't love these shoes, but they are so nice to slip on and off when I take out the dogs. I am not a flip-flop person(don't like the thing between my toes) and I have been unable to find a good slip on shoe in years. After Mother's Day I will let you know if I actually received my wish.
What are you buying for Mother's Day or what would you like to receive?
Before I startPLEASE do not become offended, just read with an open mind. This is how I "try" to approach everything. Sometimes we think we are approaching things with an open mind, however we have such strong opinions on a subject that we can't see the other side.
Okay with that being said, I have a friend that will only use the KJV. This may be what you use also. I never really understood the reasons behind only using this version. One day we started discussing this topic and she told me her reason had to do with copyright issues. I had never heard that before so to me this was all new. She told me she researched how you get a copyright and she said that the new versions NIV, NAS etc., all had to change a lot of the meaning to get a copyright. Well, I had never researched copyright laws and knew nothing about copyrighting a book. Unfortunately I never looked into the matter even though it had always kind of bothered me. Well, the subject came up again. Still not understanding fully copyrights or how publishing works I had no response. This time was different though, I decided to talk with my husband about it and also research it for myself.
What I came up with has surprised me to say the least. What surprised me was that my friend is not the only one that believes in the copyright issue. What I discovered first was that my KJV bible does have a copyright. Maybe yours does not but mine does. I have several different versions of Bibles simply for studying. Also, I discovered that the first KJV Bible was copyrighted. "Cum Privilegio," Latin words which literally mean "with privilege" or "right" — that is, with the right of reproduction retained, or, in a word, "copyrighted." To read more on this go here.
The other thing I found out is that my friends understanding of copyright laws have been distorted. I am not sure who told her or where she read up on her laws, but they were not accurate at all. I advise anyone wanting to know more to go here and read more about why they copyright Bibles.
That all being said, I will say it is a choice of what you prefer. It is not wrong to use another Bible. However, be careful when choosing a Bible. It should not be backed by one church only, and wrote only for that particular church. Remember the original Bible was wrote for everyone. There are several Bibles out there that have footnotes in them, and we must remember that those footnotes are opinions. The study Bibles are helpful, but always crosreference with other Bibles to get a better understanding of what you are reading. Words change meaning over time and to do a word study is sometimes helpful also. I love to go and find out what the original Greek or Hebrew word meant.
Some questions I have thought to myself when thinking of excluding other Bibles, were #1 What about the first English translated Bible, there were many other Bibles wrote before the KJV? Here is a timeline. #2 Doesn't this make the KJV a translation also?
I ask that we all pray on this subject and pray that it doesn't keep us form doing the Lord's work. Please approach everything with prayer and an open heart allowing the spirit to guide you so you can grow and reach more lost souls.
If you have any comments please feel free to leave them
Just wanted to share with everyone how great I did for the month of April. I always had a goal of spending $200 every two weeks on groceries. Before I started using coupons again I would go in and spend $125 on groceries and then go back to the store 3-4 times again before the next paycheck. So I really never kept a real good check on how much I spent. Sometimes I would just not even go to the store afraid I would spend $30 on milk. Well, I decided to see how much I was spending with coupons. It felt like I was shopping more so I wanted to make sure I wasn't spending too much.
After totaling all my receipts for the month of April I had only spent $385.01. That might seem high to some of you, but for me that was great! At least for a start. I did spend money on some things just to get the ECB's rolling and I did make some mistakes and spent money when I shouldn't have. I would like to get this even lower, but to be under budget I feel I have made a great start. April is my month two of full fledged couponing!
Tell me how your doing, I would love to hear!
I am posting a Walgreen's Scenario today because that is what I am focusing on this week. CVS doesn't have a lot that I am going to get so most of my energy is getting focused on Walgreen's. I have already made on trip and I will list that as #1. I am not sure how much stock they have so I may not be able to keep rolling these Register Rewards this week. Anyway this is the plan for this week.
9 Pro-Health Toothpaste @ 2/$5 = $22.50
1 Zantac @ $3.99
1 Oral-B Toothbrush @ $4.49
1 Newspaper @ $1.75
Total before Q's = 37.73 (no taxes figured)
- (1) $3/2 pro health (from home mailer)
- (6) $1/1 pro health (from old inserts, but there are new coupons out)
- (1) $1/1 Zantac
- (1) $1/1 Oral-B Toothbrush
- ESR Q from the monthly ESR book $3/2 total off equals $13.50
My Out of Pocket (OOP) was $10.40
I paid for that with my Gift Card.
This is the Best part...I received 2-$10RR (from the crest) & 1-$3RR (from the Zantac) I will also do the rebate on the toothbrush for $4.49.
If you just do the toothpaste deal you will get the $20RR.
1 Venus Embrace @ $9.99 - MQ $4/1
1 Zantac @ 3.99 - MQ $1/1
1 Jif Peanut butter $1.67
Total 10.64 w/o taxes Pay with $10 RR My OOP should be $1.27
Earn 6 & 3 RR's lost $1 in RR
This may change after I see what they have in stock, and depending on what coupons they let me use.
3 Covergirl (eyeshadow) @ 3.99 = 11.97
3 Covergirl 50% off @1.99 = 5.99
Total $17.96
- 7.50 3x $2.50/2 (Covergirl Q this past weeks insert)
-$6 & $3 RR's from #2 = $1.46 + tax
Should receive $20 in RR's (10+10) because the registers take the %50 off at the end and it thinks you bought 9. If not I will still get $10 for sure which gains me the $1 back.
Then I plan on repeating #2 and then trying to do the Olay face wash like I did the CG makeup. I still have to put together q's for this to make sure I have little OOP. This should give me plenty of RR's for the next two weeks deals!! I haven't been able to see them yet and I feeling a little anxious.
I hope this helps someone. **Just remember at Walgreen's you can not
use a RR on the same deal or you will not get a RR back for what you are buying. Just make sure that the items are different promotions and you will be fine.
These are some of the great finds I found yesterday at the Wee Creations Rummage sale. It was at the Lutheran Church. I love to find old books, especially if they are historical. My daughter went with me and she wanted the Anatomy books, she is interested in the medical field. The Anatomy books are Atlas Of Human Anatomy by Jesse Feiring Williams, M.D.copyright 1935, this books has some great color photos, the other Anatomy books is A Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology by Jesse Feiring, M.D copyright 1943. This last one had some binding issues, but I am not planning on reselling it so I really didn’t mind.
The other great finds were, Lincoln’s Speeches, copyright ? some pages are missing from this book because the binding is loose. (I bought this book for my niece, she also loves old books.) The book with the great cover is The Heritage of America edited by Henry Steele Commager and Allen Nevins, copyright 1947, any history book wrote before the sixty’s I think is a great find. Of course there is great history that takes place after this book, however this book does not have the liberal swing that you will find in a lot of the history books put out today. Also, pictured Where It Happened in Bible Times by Merrill T Gilbertson copyright 1963. Okay so this one is not super old, I just bought it because I am a visual learner and love to actually see on a map where things took place. This is a great book and really will help me with my Bible studies.
I did get some other interesting school books, I am not sure if I will use them or resell them. I sell a lot of used books on E-bay. I have not sold a lot lately due to the fact they have changed their fees again and sometimes it is not worth it for me. I have found another site to sell used Curriculum on, but have not tried yet. If I do I will let you know how it goes. You can also sell used curriculum on HSLDA's website if your a member.
What do you look for at rummage sales?
May is finally here! Well I got all this today when I went into CVS,with the exception of the Clean & Clear,I got this from Wal-Mart. I did two transactions at CVS today and spent a total of $1.87 OOP! I did make a mistake and I grabbed 4 Aquafresh forgetting that the limit was 3 this month on most of the Freebies, so it took a little bite out of my ECB's but all in all I feel I did good. I also wanted to get one more Bic or get refills for it, but they only had 1 so I guess I will be happy with 1.
I used a total of 37.96 in ECB's I also received an e-mail with a $5 off $30 purchase! I now have $48.69 in ECB's!! I also received 3 CRT's -
$5 off Maalox, Gas-X, Exlax
$4 off Nature Made Cholest-off
$1 off any (3) Kleenex facial tissue (could have used this last week)
Sorry for not breaking this down better, but I cut off the ECB's from each transaction before figuring it all out.
The Clean & Clear is at Wal-Mart in the Travel section and it is Free, with possible overage depending on what cashier you checkout with. No matter what is is still Free. Just in case you get overage buy a gallon of milk or eggs just to be safe.
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