Today after Piano lessons the kids, my Mom and I all headed down to Ft. Wayne. Which is about 45-1 hr depending on where we go.
1st Stop:
I picked up this great chair from a fellow Freecycler. Note, if you haven't joined your local Freecycle group JOIN! Google search for the group near you, it is well worth it. I have been able to get rid of unused items we can no longer use and I have also been able to pick up a lot of great items that I can enjoy! Freecycle has been set up for people to recycle items so they will not be put into the landfill.
I have an obsession with old/antique chairs, so when I saw this posted I jump on it. I really thought I might not have responded fast enough, but I did and I picked it up in Ft. Wayne today.
BTW- I belong to (3) groups, Ft. Wayne, Angola-Hudson, & Coldwater MI. However, Ft. Wayne Freecyle is by far the best group of people. Very nice and easy to work with.

2nd Stop:
JC Penney, Spencer has been looking for shoes for quite some time now. I swear he is worse than a girl when it comes to shoes. He did find a pair,out of my price range of course, so Grandma kicked in the extra $. Grandma's/Mom's are great about that + she had a $10 off coupon which helped.
3rd Stop:
Target, where I picked up these Fiber One bars & Fiber One Pastries (AKA-Pop Tarts).
Target is running a promo this week buy 4 Fiber One products and get a $5 gift card.

So this is what I did:
Trans #1
(4) Pastries @ $1.79ea - (4).50/1 MQ = $5.16 + I got a $5 GC
Trans #2
(2) Pastries @ $1.79 - (2) .50/1 MQ = $1.29ea
(2) Fiber One Bars @ $2.39ea - (2) $1.35 IP = $1.04ea
(2) Kraft Easy Mac @ .77ea - BOGO IP = .77 BOGO Coupon no longer available, but this should be a link for $1/2 which will make them cheaper, let me know if it works for you. If not I will find one that does.
Total $5.50 pd with the GC from trans #1 .50 OOP + I got a $5 GC
4th Stop:
Kentucky Fired Chicken! So we met up with John after he got off work and used our FREE meal coupons. If you were fortunate enough to print these off then I think you will agree with me that this was a great meal! I reall, really liked this chicken. It also seemed to have more meat than their original recip crispy chicken, which I am also a big fan of.
I was very disappointed I forgot my camera, because I wanted to post a picture of the KFC. It was so packed, lots of people were using their coupons. The one we chose to go to was on Dupont @ Coldwater Crossing. I highly recommend them! They were so friendly and their service was very fast, even though they were packed. Plus it was clean, which is one of my pet peeves with restaurants.
This entry was posted
on Wednesday, May 06, 2009
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