If you haven't picked up your new ALL YOU magazine make sure you get one. (Magazine pictured is July Edition) This month is as good as last months if not better. On page 159 Kraft has come out with some awesome coupons, for a total of five. They all require you to purchase (3) Kraft, Nabisco or Oscar Mayer products, but then you will get an item FREE. Combine these with some of the regular store deals and these could work out to be some really great coupons, enough that I may just go grab another magazine.
These magazines are only available at Wal-Mart and they sell for $1.77 which is the same price for home delivery. If you go to the ALL YOU website you can sign up for two free issues.
So if you haven't read a lot of my post or don't know me personally, then you may not know that I home school. I have home schooled my children for the past six years. We did not start off home schooling, but decided to home school after attending a local (South Bend)curriculum fair. We have had some great times and some very rough times, but I would never change a thing and have never regretted home schooling the kids.
Anyway, I usually try to have all of the curriculum or at least 80% of it bought by now. Unfortunately this year I missed my favorite curriculum fair and didn't really buy much at the one in Ft. Wayne.
I also have been torn with what curriculum to buy. Spencer will be in the 9th grade this year and I really wanted him to do American History. Morgan used Sonlight's core 100 last year which is American History and considered 9th grade, but Sonlight is way too much reading for him so I have been trying to decide between The Teaching Company's American History and Notgrass' American History. Both seem great and I have not heard much about either. Then when it comes to science I also have two curriculum's that I have been looking at, Apologia and Rainbow Science. I am convinced Spencer would do better with Rainbow, but it is very pricey.
Sorry to go on and on, but if anyone that reads my blog could give some feedback if you've used any of these curriculum's I would greatly appreciate it. I only have four weeks and I need to have something!
After taking this picture I realized I forgot to put the two pledge in. So you have to imagine it. For all of this I only spent $8.80 OOP!!! I also received the $2 off your next order for buying the Pledge. I really wanted to buy the Windex again, but I was in a hurry and tried to only get the 10 items needed for the Mega Deal. I will try to go again before Thursday to use the rest of my Huggies, Advil and Warm Delights coupons. These items end up free or close to free so I am trying to get as many as I have coupons for.
Okay so I only have these two pictures of his Civil War Uniform, plus the one of him in it. He did three projects this year. He received a Champion in his grade level for sewing. Then he received the Reserve Champion for the division. Very good for his first time sewing.
The other projects he took were Microwave cooking and Crafts. He received reserve champion for Microwave Cooking and a blue for Crafts.
He had a great year and hopefully he will not want to sew again. I really did not have fun helping him with this. Hopefully he will be able to wear this at the Fall Fest when the reenactors host a dance.
I thought I would post Morgan's projects first then I will post Spencer's.
This is her cake. She is in the Intermediate category. She placed with a blue ribbon.
It is black and red and has red dots on the sides. The scroll and hat are made from sugar molds.
These are Honey Crusted Wheat Rolls. She placed with a blue ribbon on these. I am actually amazed, because they were over cooked.
These pictures are of her dress. She earned a blue ribbon on this as well. This was her first time to sew. She chose a hard pattern for her first time, but she did very good with it.
She did take more projects, for a total of seven. I will post the rest at a later date.
My First trip was to CVS: listed below is what I got and paid.
(1) Bic Mark It 20ct - 4.14 (50% off) used $3 IP Q found here
(1) Bic Mechanical Pencil 18ct - 2.99 (50% off) used .50 IP Q here
(6) Loreal Vive Shampoo BOGO - 4.99 ea. Used MQ BOGO = FREE
(10) Trident Gum BOGO - 1.49ea Used MQ BOGO = FREE
(1) CVS Makeup remover cloths - 2.99 Used 2.00 CVS Coupon
My Total was $54.96 before any Q's or BOGO's!
After the BOGO's and MQ's I used (1) $4/20 (which actually printed today at the store!!) then I used an ECB for 1.98 which actually dropped my total before taxes to -1.36 WOW!!
My OOP was .36!!! This was a very fun trip.
I got back $6 in ECB's.
The Veet was on a separate transaction. I needed to buy one more to get over the $10 mark and earn $5 in ECB's so I bought this separately on my card the other stuff was with my hubbies card, because he tends to get more Q's than I do. The Veet was $4.41 after $2 IP here and (3) $1 ECB's. I got back 5 ECB's.
This is what I got for this trip and I do plan on going back again Monday, maybe before, because some of the items I have more coupons I would like to use before the sale is over and my Kroger will only double two of the same kind of coupon.
All prices are listed before the Mega Event price.
(2) Tidy Cat 10lb - 2.00ea - (2) 1.00 MQ = 1.00
(2) Clorox Bleach - 1.50ea
(2) Soft Scrub - 2.50ea - (2).50 MQ tripled to 1.50ea = 1.00ea
(2) Advil 24ct - 2.50ea - (2) 2.00 MQ = .50ea
(2) Windex - 2.50ea - (2) .75 MQ = 1.75ea
(2) Pledge - 3.00ea - (2) 1.00 MQ = 2.00ea
(1) Huggies Wipes - 2.64 - (1) .50 MQ tripled to 1.50 (these should have rang up 2.50 but just noticed they did not, even thought they are included in the mega event. However, they did still count toward my total.)
(1) Bagel-fuls - 2.00 - (1) 1.00 MQ = 1.00
(1) Cottonelle - .99 - .25 MQ triple to .75 = .24 (not part of the mega deal)
(1) Cattlemen's - 1.50 - .75 MQ = .75
(2) Frank's Red Hot Sauce - 1.50 - .50 triple to 1.50 = FREE
(1) Tropicana Coastal Groves - 2.50 - .50 triple to 1.50 = 1.00
(2) Warm Delights Minis - 2.00ea - .50 tripled to 1.50ea = .50ea
(2) Kiwi - .50ea = 1.00 (not a Mega item)
Bananas .69/lb = 1.39
Hamburger - (1) 1.85 Marked down (1) 3.82 sale price @ 1.59/lb
Total before any MQ's or Mega Event was $52.69
After $10 Mega Event ($5 per ten items) and MQ's my total OOP was:
$20.66!!! Plus the best part is I received (1) $1.50 off my next order for buying 2 Windex and a $2 off your next order for buying 2 Pledge.
I bought 26 items averaging .79/item.
One of my favorite things to do is to garden. I have not really been able to at our new house for several reasons. The first one being we really don't have the yard to do it. Another reason is simply because the space we do have is shaded most of the day.
Well, I am sitting here watching my new favorite channel...Create...and they made this cool Mossy pot on the show Cultivating Life. I thought this is just perfect for me and it will also be fun to do. I love vintage or old looking things and this will be great in my shaded areas. Now I will have to look for clay pots on sale this fall!
Go to this link for a free razor. You need to click on "Enter Site" then you have to click to vote, which is a picture of your choice of shave that you prefer. Then you can opt out of voting and get the razor sent to you by filling out the information. EASY!!!
A special thanks to CouponAngel at HCW for posting the match ups! I was going to just post the things I thought were great deals but decided to post all of the mega deals. Also on sale is the ground beef for 1.59#, fresh green beans for 1.49# and Eckrich Franks for 1.50ea.
It is back! Buy 10 of any of the following products and get $5 off your total bill:
Limit 3 rewards per transaction! Prices good 7/20 - 7/26.
$1 each- Final cost when 10 Participating items are purchased in a single transaction
*Kroger Apple Juice - 64oz assorted varieties
*Brawny paper towels (1 big roll)
*Betty crocker cookie mix - assorted varieties, 17.5oz
*Betty crocker frosting - assorted varieties, 12/16oz
**$.55/1 www.shortcuts.com
*Cattlemens bbq sauce - assorted varieties, 18oz
**Cattlemen's Barbecue Sauce $0.75/1 href="http://www.frenchs.com/">www.frenchs.com ,www.cattlemensbbqsauce.com, 5/18 SS2
*Clorox bleach - liquid, 82-96oz
*Daisy sour cream - assorted varieties, 16oz
**Daisy Sour Cream, Any$0.50/1 or $.60/1 6/1 RP
*Frank's red hot sauce - assorted varieties, 12oz
**Frank's Redhot Sauce $0.50/1 www.cattlemensbbqsauce.com , www.franksredhot.com , www.frenchs.com
*Kroger instant oatmeal - assorted varieties, 11.9-15.1oz
*Lenders refrigerated bagels - select varieties, 5-6ct
*Irish spring or soft soap - av, 3 bars or 7.5ox
*speedstick or teen spirit deo - av, 2.3 - 3.25oz
$1.50 each- Final cost when 10 Participating items are purchased in a single transaction
*Kelloggs cereal - assorted varieties, 8.8-20oz
*Aunt Jemima breakfasts - assorted varieties - 8.2oz - 14.8oz
*Betty Crocker fruit snacks - assorted varieties, 4.5 - 9oz
**Betty Crocker Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Gushers, Fruit Roll-ups or Roll-Ups Fruit Stickerz fruit flavored snacks $0.80/2 www.bettycrocker.com , 6/15 SS $.50/2, 7/13 SS $.50/2.
*Betty crocker warm delights - assorted varieties, 1 ct
**Betty Crocker Warm Delights Bowls or Mini Bowls $0.55/1 , www.shortcuts.com www.boxtops4education.com , 7/13 SS $.50/1 or $1.00/2
*capri sun or kool aid jammers - assorted varieties, 10 pks
*chef boyardee microwavable past - assorted varieties, 14.25 - 14.5oz
*Clorox disinfecting wipes - assorted varieties, 30 -35ct
*del monte fruit bowls - assorted varieties, 4pk
*dove ice cream - assorted varieties, 15.1 oz
*edge or skintimate shave gel - assorted varieties, 7 oz
**Skintamite Shave Gel $.55/1 or $1.00/1 7/13SS
*edwards or mrs smith pie slices - assorted varieties, 4 - 9oz
**Edwards Or Mrs. Smiths Deep Dish Pies Singles Product, Any $.75/1 5/11 SS , $1.00/2 6/29 SS
*eggo healthy waffles - assorted varieties, 10ct
*cheetos - assorted varieties, 8 - 10oz
*frito lay single snacks - assorted varieties, 6pk
*ghiradelli brownie mix - assorted varieties, 17 - 20oz
*heinz ketchup - assorted varieties, 32 - 36oz
*keebler fudge shoppe cookies - assorted varieties, 8.5 - 12oz
*keebler rice krispies treats - av, 8ct
*kid cuisine entrees - av, 7.5 - 10.2oz
*kraft bagelfuls - av, 10oz
*krusteaz muffin or bar mix - av, 14 - 21oz
*lysol all purpose cleaner - av, 32 - 40oz
**Lysol All Purpose Cleaner Trigger or Pourable $.50/1 www.homesolutionsnews.us , $.50/1 6/22 SS or $1.00/2 6/22 SS
*palmolive dish detergent - av, 20 -25oz
**Palmolive Dish Liquid, Any $.40/1 www.colgate.com
*reynolds handi vac bags - av, 9 - 14ct
*sargento cheese - select varieties 8oz shredded
*starkist chunk light tuna - av, 12oz
*stouffers or lean cuisine meals - av, 6 - 19.2oz
*sunshine cheezits - av, 7.5 - 10.5oz
*tidy cats cat litter - av, 10 - 12lb
**Purina Tidy Cats Brand Cat Litter, Any $1.00/1 4/27 SS , 6/29 SS
*tony's pizza - av, 13.5 - 17.6oz
*weight watchers ice cream - av, 2pk
*welch's cocktail juice - av, 64oz
*ball park franks - av, 12.8 - 16oz
*kens salad dressing - av, 16oz
$2 each - Final cost when 10 Participating items are purchased in a single transaction
*advil pain relief - av, 20 - 24oz
**Advil Pain Reliever, Any 20 Ct. + $2.00/1 7/13 RP , $1.00/1 5/11 RP
*chef boyardee canned pasta - av, 39 - 40oz can
*claim jumper dinners - av, 14 - 20oz
*doritos xxl - av, 12.5oz
*hunts snack pack pudding - av, 12pk
*kelloggs nutri grain bars - av, 6.7 - 10.4oz
*kelloggs special k bars or bites - av, 4.6 - 4.9oz
*dole fruit juice - av, 64oz
*kozy shack pudding - av, 4pk
*motts applesauce - av, 46 - 48oz
*oreida potatoes - av, 16 - 32oz
*pictsweet vegetables - av, 26 - 32oz
*pupperoni dog snacks - av, 5.6oz
*soft scrub cleanser - av, 24 -26oz
**Soft Scrub Cleaning Product, Any $.50/1 or $1.00/2 5/18 SS1
*suavitel fabric softner - liquid, 30 - 34loads
*tyson chicken - av, 10 - 13.25oz box
*tyson chunk chicken breast - av, 7 - 12.5oz pouch
*welchs 100% grape juice - av, 64oz
*windex glass cleaner, av, 20 - 32.5oz
**$.75/1 7/20 SS
*act II microwavable popcorn - av, 6 - 8pk
*huggies wipes - av, 64 - 80ct tub
**Huggies Baby Wipes, Any 64 Count + $.50/1 6/22 SS
*hersheys special olympic packs chocolate candy - av, 10.5 - 12.5oz
$2.50 each - Final cost when 10 Participating items are purchased in a single transaction
*arizona tea - av, 128oz
*chungs egg rolls - av, 11 - 12oz
*edys grand ice cream - av, 48 - 56oz
*egg beaters - av, 15 - 16oz
*el monterey appetizers - av, 11.2 - 40oz
**El Monterey Taquitos, Any $1.00/1 4/27 SS
*gatorade powder sticks - av, 8oz
*keebler club crackers - av, 9 - 16oz
*pledge furniture polish - av, 12.5 - 27oz
**Pledge Product, Any Free Up To $4.99 WYB Any Pledge Aerosol furniture product 6/15 SS , $2.00/2 & $.75/1 Better Homes & Gardens ,Woman's Day & Good Housekeeping,Family Circle Magazines 4/08, & Hallmark Magazine 6/08 , $1.00/1 Pledge 7/20SS
*propel fitness water - av, 6pk
*propel powder packets - av, 10ct
*sargento string cheese - av, 9 -12oz
*fridays appetizers - av, 7.6 - 14oz
*hebrew national beef franks - 12oz
**Hebrew National Beef Franks, Any $1.00/1 or $.75/1 6/22 SS
*tyson sliced bacon - 16oz
*kellogs special k snack bars or protein water - av, 6 - 7oz
If you see an item that has a coupon out there please let me know. Remember these deals start Thursday for the Mid West.
Get your free sample of Dove here. You get a choice of Dove Shine Therapy or Dove go Fresh Energize Therapy.
Well my hubby got home from Minnesota and finally got around to fixing my computer tonight. I hope it is not a temporary fix. He said he thinks that it might have been the power supply, but it might also need another fan because it is getting too hot. Anyway, I am back for now!
The 4-H county fair is in full swing and I am so thankful it is coming to an end this year. It seems that this year was a little more hectic than years past, but all in all it has turned out to be a great year.
I am currently having computer problems and will be unable to post new post until next Monday when my DH gets home to fix my computer.
Currently I am at my Mother's house to post this. I hope to see all of you back here next Monday.
If I can get on my computer before then, I will post pictures of the kids projects.
Here is a great catalina deal for you to get money back on your next order.
This is available from Meijer:
Buy any 3 Kraft salad dressings, Miracle Whip or Mayo, get $2 OYNO.
Buy any 4 or more, get $4 OYNO.
good 7/13-8/2
limit 1 per transaction
These items are also on sale this week:
3/$5 Kraft salad dressing 16oz
2/$4 Kraft Miracle Whip or Mayo 18oz
If the Mayo with Olive oil is included it will make the Mayo free after the Catalina, because there is a coupon for $1 off.
I will have to go in today and see if it include in the sale.
I am very excited about the up and coming Kroger ad! The whole back page is dedicated to P&G deals!!!
If you buy 3 participating products you get $3 off your purchase, buy 6 get $6 off, buy 9 get $9 or buy 12 and get $12. This is such a good deal when you mix these up and combine them with the coupons that just came out in this past Sunday's paper. Also there are some e-coupons on the P&G website.
These are the deals I am planning on taking advantage of:
(2) Old Spice Deodorant 2.50ea - 1.00/2 MQ = 4.00
(4) Herbal Essence Shampoo 2.50ea - (2)$3/2 MQ = 4.00
(2) Duracell Batteries 3.00ea - (2)$1 MQ & (1)$2 eQ = 2.00
(4) Head and Shoulders 4.33ea - (2)$3/2 MQ = 11.32
Total for these items will be $21.32 before taxes then I should get $12 off for buying 12 items bringing my total to $9.32!
That makes each item .78ea!
I am also planning on picking up some other things that are on sale this week but I will probably do them in a separate transaction just to be sure that the first one rings up right.
My second transaction will include these great buys:
(1) Sunny D @ $1 - .25 MQ tripled = .25 (wish I had more q's for this sale)
(2) Tropicana Coastal Groves Lemonade @ 2.50 - $1 MQ = 1.50
(When I scanned the store today I did not see this type in there, so if I can not find it I will pick it up at Wal-Mart on a price match.)
(6) Variety of GM Cereal @ $1.88 - $1.00/2 MQ = 1.38ea (Kids will be happy to get junk cereal again!)
Western Style Ribs @ 1.37lb = ?? Depends on how much I get!
Also, if you are in need of toilet paper or paper towels they are included in the P&G deal and there are eQ's for them as well as insert Q's.
With deals like this I will probably be in there twice this week since they will only take two of the same coupon at my Kroger.
Follow this link and sign up for a free sample of Pantene. This looks like a New product they came out with. It is formulated for your hair color.
We decided to go away to visit John's brother for the 4th of July. He lives in Pennsylvania. We didn't really know we were going until Wednesday night. I had to work Thursday and we had so much work to still do on 4-H projects that I really was uneasy about going away. Well, we ended up going and that is why I have not really posted until today. I did get some video of the Grand Finale at the fireworks. It is only 20 seconds, but I kept the camera on hoping it would not be over so the video is a little longer than the actual Fireworks. I hope everyone had a great 4th and I hope that you don't take your freedom for granted, because God has blessed the U.S.A.
If you have a Staples near you then you need to take advantage of these great offers!
These are the things I will be picking up this week.
.5 oz bottle Purell .01 (limit 2)
1/2" and 1" Poly Binders .25 (limit 4)
Handy-Lines retractable assorted highlighters $4.99 -$4.99 Rebate = Free
These are just a couple of the great deals they have. This sale ends July 9th. Check it out here.
I guess we are on a roll with the 4-H projects. We are very close to getting done with them. I am extremely proud of my daughter, which has finished 3 projects just this week. She will have another finished at the end of the week. Leaving 2 posters and her baking which is done the day of judging. I am feeling a little relieved.
Spencer is done with his pants and his craft project. We are still working on the Jacket (which will be the end of me, LOL). He will be baking his coffee cake to put in the freezer tomorrow. We have tested 3 now and we finally found a great recipe for a Microwaveable Blueberry Coffee Cake. He actually made a mistake and made it taste really good so we will be adding this to the recipe.
I plan on posting pictures of all of the projects when they are complete.
I am not sure how many of you feel about the gas prices but I can guess. Well, I am pretty sick of it and I am feeling overwhelmed with the thought of how I will paying for gas this winter. I know that GOD will ultimately take care of me, but I just get so worked up over things.
I came across this on YouTube and thought I would share it with you.
My Favorites
My Favorite Sites
- ► November 2009 (1)
- ► October 2009 (3)
- ► September 2009 (4)
- ► August 2009 (17)
- ► April 2009 (26)
- ► March 2009 (34)
- ► February 2009 (24)
- ► January 2009 (16)
- ► December 2008 (15)
- ► November 2008 (7)
- ► October 2008 (14)
- ► September 2008 (14)
- ► August 2008 (14)
July 2008
- New All You Magazine is a MUST HAVE
- Curriculum Dilemma
- My Trip to Kroger 7-28
- Spencer's 4-H Projects
- Morgan's 4-H Projects
- My Shopping Trips This Week
- Yogurt Covered Mossy Pots
- Free Schick Quatro Titanium Trimmer
- Kroger Mega Event is Back!!
- Free Sample of Dove Shampoo
- I Think I'm Back?
- Computer Problems
- Great Catalina Deal
- Kroger Deals Starting 7/10
- Free Sample of Pantene
- Unexpected Visit
- Great Staples Deals
- On a Roll!!!
- Ready to Save Money on Gas?
- ► April 2008 (31)